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LVNA ~ Sakinorva Databank



4w5 5
5w4 3
6w5 1
8w9 1
sx/sp 4
sp/so 2
sp/sx 2
234 567 891

total votes 49








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Teru Mikami

2019/05/13 (Mon) 16:22:37


bruh fr?

Editing post #5951 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #5951 by Teru Mikami

Teru Mikami

2019/05/13 (Mon) 00:46:46


decided to take a few more and went through ego death LMFAOOOO

Editing post #5941 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #5941 by Teru Mikami

Teru Mikami

2019/05/12 (Sun) 08:27:16


hey i figured this would be the best place to ask, if i did acid and felt nothing but half a day of non-stop mind-numbing laughter, did i get ripped off or does the universe hate me

Editing post #5930 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #5930 by Teru Mikami

Teru Mikami

2018/12/03 (Mon) 17:30:21


where were you when i had you ESI 4w5

Editing post #4162 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #4162 by Teru Mikami


2018/12/03 (Mon) 16:27:27


EII 5w4, fascinating take

Editing post #4161 by LVNA

Replying to post #4161 by LVNA




2018/08/11 (Sat) 18:49:04


okay, i'm voting IEE, you seem more intuitive definitely

Editing post #2791 by switchblades

Replying to post #2791 by switchblades


2018/08/11 (Sat) 18:09:14


Do relate to delta most but that type (EII) is unrelatable to me...if you really do wanna do down the delta route IEE and SLI make more sense tbh. 

Editing post #2790 by LVNA

Replying to post #2790 by LVNA




2018/08/11 (Sat) 12:56:23


the self identify as a delta so i think EII is the best fit

Editing post #2788 by switchblades

Replying to post #2788 by switchblades




Beta ST

2018/07/10 (Tue) 19:57:26


"Arbiter of fun? That is perhaps the best joke of them all. " you consider the wiki socionic archetype as joke? so wich source do you propose instead of it?

"be careful where you place your cards..." my card is so well placed that you have to beat around it with extravagant but useless cards.

"I'm not sure where that leaves you in your own romantic labyrinth."don't worry, i have my Ariadne cord.

Editing post #2056 by fg

Replying to post #2056 by fg


2018/07/10 (Tue) 19:28:49


Arbiter of fun? That is perhaps the best joke of them all. 

I only have this left to say: be careful where you place your cards...if you go forward with this typing you have shattered socionics duality and I'm not sure where that leaves you in your own romantic labyrinth. 

Editing post #2053 by LVNA

Replying to post #2053 by LVNA




Beta ST

2018/07/10 (Tue) 19:16:44


" response to how you typed me I will say this...what you highlighted essentially just points to my somewhat emotionally volatile nature and my great focus on people.  But don't you think the fact that I have had interest in a logic system of personal analysis indicates there's a strong degree of logic operating within me?  I don't really value the system to the same extent that you do,"

that is because you have Ti in your quadra, but not in your ego. Fe is also called "emotions", but the term "exaltation"or "expression" would fit more. Fe is manly relied to passion of the person and other's. this passion can manifest in light headed joke who bring a funny atmosphere to the audience, it can refer to a passionate political speech who create sentiment of force for the crowd. it can manifest by a passionate story or poesy telling (this one particulary fit to you). that's why some Fe base have a this large set of different archetype .

example of ESE archetype give by wiki socionics  in "ESE composite":

"The arbiter of fun who has a highly developed sense of what is (objectively) enjoyable and is willing to force it down people's throats if need be (because who doesn't like fun?)."

examples of EIE archetype give by wiki socionics in "EIE composite":

"The true servant of the arts who has lost himself or herself in artistic expression and is ever an artist/poet/actor/musician, no matter where he is or whom he is with. "

"The motivational speaker who uses his personal charisma to get people fired up about the things that really matter."


Editing post #2052 by fg

Replying to post #2052 by fg


2018/07/10 (Tue) 18:40:36


"Sirius is 8.6 light years away
Arcturus is 37
The past is the past
And it's here to stay
Wikipedia is heaven
When you don't want to remember anymore"

Editing post #2049 by LVNA

Replying to post #2049 by LVNA




Beta ST

2018/07/10 (Tue) 17:59:20


socionics ARE archetypes that's why we have different characters with Nickname from the start . Socionics ARE thinking process according to wikipedia " is a theory of information processing and personality type, distinguished by its information model of the psyche (called "Model A")". every personnality type or any classification of people  is based on value who explain behaviour. so much americans would not be following the capitalist mind without the cultural influence of protestantism(we can say that they fit to the protestant conscient/or unconscient rule following), a man is mostly influence by his social class, his material conditions and act based on it, as well a person would not act based on  the LIE archetype if he did not have gamma value. so why placing a wall between quadra value , archetype and thinking process ?"I score 95% on introversion tests and consistently get Fe as my lowest function. " pherhaps but your thinking process is influenced by the outside world, maybe Fe is your lowest function in CF  but not in socionics. "You actually told me you were willing to disregard everything he said in his 16types video because it didn't correlate with how "he acts." " our actions define us. accept it.

Editing post #2045 by fg

Replying to post #2045 by fg


2018/07/10 (Tue) 17:33:14


Okay so this is now going to fg...

I think your method of typing is way too focused on "manifestations."  I think this was something GalaxyStrider touched upon with his comment on a page I don't remember at this point.  But anyhow, I feel like it's as though you look at socionics as being a way to characterize these tectonic-like brain patterns that emerge through people's actions and behavior.  But doesn't that kinda contradict what socionics tried to do with so much focus upon conscious "values."  I think one of the shitty things that reinforces the aristocratic perspective of typology, especially nu-MBTI, is that it sorta takes this perspective.  People will say "this is a manifestation of inferior Se, because the person acted up out of nowhere."  But it's like...what does that even really mean? Are cognitive functions a "brain pattern" to you?  Are they a theoretical archetype?  Are they a veneer that statically forces someone to look at the world through a specific perspective that they can't change or move away from because it's inherent?  

To me one of the big fallacies in believing they are any one of these things is that it creates these type descriptions that are all about how someone moves through the world but that don't really say anything about the person's perspective...does it shift? does it stay the same? does it value looking at people in a specific lens?  It's when you don't focus on something like this that you get to bizarre typings, like Jung as an INFJ because he "focused on people and did not care about empirical measurements."  What's so interesting to me about this way of thinking which you do align with is it almost feels like a strange sort of metaphysics built out of the Jungian world where these very discrete and unconscious things are manifested concretely through people.  I think the strange thing about this all is that if you really believe in it, you're looking at people and are interested in them because you want to see them manifesting these things.  It's actually really platonic.  But I think this is an unfortunate perspective because it takes any sort of mystery out of people and the human experience.  Not even Jung went this far...his descriptions were intentionally vague and it seemed like he respected a distance between archetype and person.  

In response to how you typed me I will say this...what you highlighted essentially just points to my somewhat emotionally volatile nature and my great focus on people.  But don't you think the fact that I have had interest in a logic system of personal analysis indicates there's a strong degree of logic operating within me?  I don't really value the system to the same extent that you do, but to me that's just an example of the fact that I see it as one of many lenses that I like to put on to look at the world, not an overarching value of "extraverted feeling."  If you are looking at it this way I think you miss the point of an underlying motivation at play which might even be considered running away from feeling as a coping mechanism for being able to interact with people in a way that doesn't require great emotional expression.  

To me one of the few things I do like about socionics is that it thinks about this notion of valuation.  You can read into "manifestations of Fe" all you want in my behavior, but to me it's pretty obviously the thing I least relate to in socionics.  Caring about social norms, displaying emotion to others in a common setting, enjoying emotinonal ebullience and acting...I could not think of many things that are more foreign to me than this.  But somehow you have used this structure of manifestations to come to the conclusion that it defines me.  And as for Beta quadra values?  The whole "quadra of clipped wings" couldn't be a further worldview from mine.  I don't believe a person's perspective is condemned to social and material conditions they are grown into.  Similarly, you see Khel being in touch with his personal emotions as "Fi ego-ness" paired with Ne because of his erratic, spastic behavior.  You actually told me you were willing to disregard everything he said in his 16types video because it didn't correlate with how "he acts."  I think that's ridiculous because it essentially asserts you can't learn anything from listening in to a person's words and the perspective they have constructed.  It's like saying any person's postulations or fleeting ideas are useless in the face of an underlying structure they are condemned to.  That's a pretty fucking grim perspective and it's also one that I think shields a person from a bunch of new ways of looking at the world and potentially having new interesting experiences because of that.  Anyhow, you do you fg, but I definitely reject your EIE-Fe typing. I score 95% on introversion tests and consistently get Fe as my lowest function.  But we will see if all this commentary amounts to an Fe manifestation at the end of the day.  

Editing post #2044 by LVNA

Replying to post #2044 by LVNA


2018/07/10 (Tue) 04:58:52


Vale, te cacho. Gracias por compartir. Espero que podamos hablar sobre el asunto tal vez en discord. Espero que ella esté muy bien. Saludos a ustedes dos. 

Editing post #2006 by LVNA

Replying to post #2006 by LVNA





2018/07/10 (Tue) 04:54:21


no. somos personalidades únicas. ella es bellísima y amorosa. la satisfago de maneras inexplicables. somos felices juntos, pero a veces todo esto me entristece profundamente. no quiero hablar más sobre nuestra relación en este lugar

Editing post #2005 by CIA

Replying to post #2005 by CIA


2018/07/10 (Tue) 03:27:30


¿Es decir...estás con ella o...mejor aú eres? 

Editing post #2000 by LVNA

Replying to post #2000 by LVNA





2018/07/10 (Tue) 03:24:32


¿ves la cama? nos pertenece a los dos... 

Editing post #1999 by CIA

Replying to post #1999 by CIA


2018/07/10 (Tue) 03:07:33


@CIA Thanks. She is missed (I mean that sincerely).

Editing post #1995 by LVNA

Replying to post #1995 by LVNA





2018/07/10 (Tue) 03:01:32


nice avatar bro

Editing post #1994 by CIA

Replying to post #1994 by CIA


2018/07/10 (Tue) 03:00:53


This is me contemplating fg's new typing initiative 

Editing post #1993 by LVNA

Replying to post #1993 by LVNA


2018/07/10 (Tue) 02:55:54


EIE-Fe? What a joke.  I can't believe my banner was taken seriously. Maybe it was the sexy image ;) ;)

Editing post #1992 by LVNA

Replying to post #1992 by LVNA




Beta ST

2018/07/10 (Tue) 02:28:12


EIE-Fe subtype :"Appearance: The ethical subtype is internally very emotional, but usually modest and restrained in expression of his feelings. Unobtrusive in conversation, tries to behave according to the rules of good tone and manners. Vulnerable and easily takes offense. In his heart and soul he often experiences dramatic emotions, but around strangers hides and tries to control them. It is difficult for him to truly relax, inside he is tense and high-strung, vulnerable and quite self-loving. Has a lot of insecurities, from which he usually suffers but tries not to show this. Outwardly can be proud and unapproachable. Usually secretive and careful, exercises foresight and thinks things over in advance. Somewhat unsure in himself, but has patience and perseverance, and knows how to attain his goals. Very demanding in requiring others to observe ethical norms of behavior, and often cannot hold himself back from making remarks or giving advice when he sees that someone, from his point of view, is not behaving correctly. Characterized by swings of mood. Can be coldly haughty, stubborn, and demanding, then soft, heartfelt, considerate, and even vulnerable and defenseless. Holds himself with dignity. His movements are precise, but smooth, sometimes demonstrative. Dresses modestly and with taste, but if he wishes can look very effective.

Character: Inclined to constant analysis of people and events. Thinks a lot about moral and ethical issues. Tries to instill in others his own understanding of various phenomena or his worldview, to help avoid mistakes in life in general or in specific activities.

Exercises foresight and caution. Senses impending dangers, knows how to take the necessary steps to avoid it. Inclined to dramatize events and to warn others about possible trouble. Tries to caution and safeguard people close to him from making wrong steps. Can show excessive initiative, even seem somewhat imposing. With strangers he is charming and helpful, usually tries to make a good impression. Warm and welcoming, has a wide circle of friends, open and sincere with them, but to a limit.

While he foresees further development of events, he doesn't like to rush them, hesitates making a decision, wavers, weighing out all the "pros" and "cons". Doesn't like when he is hurried. Ignores the attempts of others to impose any other pace. In conversation, gives a lot of attention to details.

Often takes the initiative in making acquaintances and contacts. Oriented at correct, appropriate, polite attitude towards himself. Needs sensitive, attentive, careful relation to his person, intolerant of familiarity in communication. Self-loving, sensitive and vulnerable, for a long remembers offenses and insults. Respects people not only for their personal qualities and achievements, but also for their position in society. Tries to understand the motives and predict future actions of people around him, to give them timely advice.

A romantic in his soul, put feelings above reason. Emotional, with difficulty hides his sufferings and emotions, but in deeds usually demonstrates caution. Only after carefully weighting everything out can make a radical decision. After that, not inclined to make compromises. He would rather suffer a defeat than renounce his beliefs, as he has a tendency for self-suggestion. Distrustful by nature, skeptically oriented, critical towards the actions of others. Appreciates words, but prefers concrete evidence of affections and practical services. Nitpicking when it comes to his outward appearance, takes care of his looks and his manners of behavior.

Values ​​his authority and reputation of a serious person. Distrustful of unverified information. Afraid to make a mistake, prefers to share responsibility for some assignment or task with someone else. Proactive, operative, diligent, seriously considers work that was assigned to him. Does not like doing several things at once, but when he feels that he cannot delay any longer, can with much energy and vigor complete a significant bulk of work within a short period of time.

Usually focused on important problems, from which it's difficult to distract him. In the interests of his project or business, turns to other people to fulfill small requests and assignments, fearing that he might lose sight of something important. Accurate with details in his work, brings everything to its finish. Strives toward order and aesthetics in everyday life. Meticulously about his appearance, following the appearance and behavior.

Has difficulty attaining an inner balance. Due to this, is often in suppressed mood. Overly suspicious, prone to seeing dangers, proud. Doesn't like when he is being observed and watch, inclined to do his household tasks when nobody can witness him. Sufficiently self-critical, mistrustful of compliments in his address. Painfully endures criticism of his appearance and behavior."

Editing post #1987 by fg

Replying to post #1987 by fg


2018/05/14 (Mon) 17:59:29


Sp/So???? I'm shook!

Editing post #522 by lvna

Replying to post #522 by lvna

20/02/13 15:06Thyssen INF
19/12/07 03:27LVNA INFJ
19/11/07 06:23Diobono INTP
19/02/17 19:16Teru Mikami STJ
18/07/12 04:05fg INFP
18/07/12 01:24johncena INFJ
18/07/11 03:49switchblades INTP
18/08/11 20:25Nyx INxP
19/12/23 03:53Taco110 INFJ
18/10/10 01:58forestgump ISTJ
19/05/29 15:11LVNA INFJ
18/12/03 15:41Teru Mikami INFJ
19/10/16 10:04Diobono INFJ
19/12/23 03:53Taco110 INFJ
18/06/15 12:48strawberry crisis INFJ
19/10/30 11:47fg ENFJ
24/02/10 01:02LVNA 4w5
19/02/17 23:22Teru Mikami 8w9
18/07/13 07:36Teenage fantasy 4w5
18/07/11 03:49switchblades 4w5
18/07/10 09:01diobono 4w5
18/06/11 01:33Nyx 5w4
19/03/22 18:29Taco110 5w4
18/06/13 05:40fg 4w5
18/09/17 10:04Teru Mikami sp/sx
18/07/13 07:36Teenage fantasy sx/sp
18/07/11 03:49switchblades sp/sx
19/07/19 16:38Diobono sx/sp
18/05/14 05:48Taco110 sp/so
18/09/17 13:28fg sx/sp
20/05/24 05:27Diobono 451
19/07/19 11:32fg 459
19/05/29 15:11LVNA 451
18/09/17 10:04Teru Mikami 549
19/02/17 19:17Teru Mikami SLE
19/02/17 22:43switchblades ILE
19/10/30 11:47fg EII
19/12/23 03:53Taco110 EII
20/06/21 07:16Diobono EVLF
19/10/30 10:53fg EVLF