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Teru Mikami


in Users

Teru Mikami ~ Sakinorva Databank

Teru Mikami


7w8 10
cp6w7 5
7w6 2
cp7w6 1
1wb 1
5w4 1
6wb 1
cp6w5 1
sp/sx 5
sx/sp 4
sp/so 1
so/sx 1
234 567 891

total votes 95









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2020/08/05 (Wed) 18:00:39


unban him

Editing post #8431 by Jacobus

Replying to post #8431 by Jacobus



2020/05/09 (Sat) 20:40:59


Tbh you convinced me

Editing post #8210 by Thyssen

Replying to post #8210 by Thyssen


2020/05/09 (Sat) 19:52:14


Read this

Editing post #8207 by Fuzzy

Replying to post #8207 by Fuzzy





2019/09/27 (Fri) 18:12:19


Estp sociopath by function

Editing post #7140 by Diobono

Replying to post #7140 by Diobono

Teru Mikami

2019/09/23 (Mon) 22:40:05


If you are 469, you are intuitive, inquisitive and accepting. You want to be original, certain and peaceful. You are a very sensitive and can experience intense feelings of self-doubt and uncertainty. As a result you need multiple sources of confirmation. You want to be individualistic but can fear being separate from others.

Your life mission is to raise the questions pertaining to the mysteries of life and share your findings with others. A true seeker, you are happiest when you feel you can answer the question of who you are.

You can be so focused on your feelings, insecurities and doubts that you can feel paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong decision and of being misled or duped.

The 469 is a seeker with a lot of self doubt. There is always more to learn when you are this tritype but the desire is to develop a philosophy. the 6 and 4 have the most self doubt along with the 9. The 4 doubts their feelings, the 6 their thoughts. 6s want reassurance, 4s want praise to offset their natural tendency to be shame sensitive. The 4 leading is more concerned with the Who am I question and hopes to 'someday' have that answered through constant introspection and referencing their own feelings. I can only speak from my own lens and say that the 6 leading is less identity focused. Who Am I doesn't enter the picture like the 4, and less reliance on needing to set themselves apart to resolve the philosophical dilemma.

...the 6 will stereotypically give 469 some sort of orientation around associations to ease anxiety...469 will have more of a push-pull reaction pattern with authority in staving off inner anxiety.

The 9 or 4 with the 469 tritype has the 3 types that feel doubt. Doubt breeds insecurity which increases anxiety. The gift of this tritype is the ability to search for meaning. What begins as doubt ultimates brings a great deal of knowledge that can lead to greater understanding.

The sx 469s want the security of that comes with a trusted relationship. Grief can feel overwhelming and many have shared feeling flooded. They also report that grief brings up fear.

Both the 469 and 269 tend to be passive. The 269 is more engraciating. The 469 is more aloof.

The 468 reacts and rings the alarm to prevent making a mistake to calm down and the 469 doubts and procrastinates to avoid making a mistake.... To calm down.

The 469 is very gentle unless threatened.They are very out of touch with their gut! The struggle is with doubt and inaction.

9s fear being in conflict. 479 vs 469. Look at the level of confidence and optimism. The 7 brings a light touch with magical thinking, hoping for the best. In contrast, the 6 brings support and loyalty. Both are highly intuitive but the 469 has more doubts - The 479 is more future oriented, focusing on the possibilities. The 469 is more dutiful with a heavier heart, fearing that they can't make enough of a difference.
‎469s report a fear of making ten wrong decision and then having feelings of painful self consciousness and shame for having done so.... But also for not making a decision.

If 6 is dominant in the 469 tritype, there are more obvious fears and concerns. However, 946 and 469 are equally troubled by insecurities.
All 3 types have a little paralysis through analysis. And all 3 hate conflict. ) The 469 experiences extreme self doubt and hesitates more than other 4s. It is a shy 4 but they do have their own opinions...they are just reluctant to voice them. The 649 has the greatest difficulty trusting their own thoughts and tends to seek multiple confirmations before making decisions. The 964 is plagued with indecision too and can look like a 6 but they are not as inclined to seek opinions from others. They just avoid the conflict hoping it will resolve itself.

The 469 is the most doubting tritype regardless which type is in charge. It is also the tritype that most struggles with a constant sense of self. They can also be somewhat passive. The only tritype more passive is the 269. The 269 is happier in presentation.

Editing post #7089 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #7089 by Teru Mikami

This comment has been deleted.





2019/08/03 (Sat) 16:00:12


Be wise and reflect on it nigga

Editing post #6883 by Zoinks

Replying to post #6883 by Zoinks

Teru Mikami

2019/08/03 (Sat) 19:47:32


I am surrounded by lanky awkward nerds who think they're giving TEDx lectures. Naturally I will take every word they say seriously

Editing post #6882 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6882 by Teru Mikami



9w8 sp/sx

2019/08/03 (Sat) 18:27:36


You don't know who I am because you're a noobie here. I'm a legend.

Editing post #6881 by Brainer

Replying to post #6881 by Brainer




Beta ST

2019/08/03 (Sat) 18:10:26


i can see how a Ne is possible on him. but he does not seem to show many white logic (don't seem to care about ideology or system of though in general, he also don't seem to have strong white logic principle). i typed him SLI more because he seem to seek neutrality rather than defending a singular point of view (black logic>white ethic). cp 6w7  was because of his constant anti-authoritarianism and anti-arbitrary temper that was quite expansive and more serious in comparison with his general non-serious behavior. i agree that Exxp temperament is more likely than Ixxp one. but he seem to take think less seriously in comparison with most historical  ILE and IRL ILE i've met. his white logic is the point that make me struggle seeing him as ILE while the cynicism of black logic was quite obvious. i can see where you vote came from but i disagree with it.

Editing post #6880 by fg

Replying to post #6880 by fg

This comment has been deleted.



9w8 sp/sx

2019/08/03 (Sat) 12:25:58


DELETE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Editing post #6878 by Brainer

Replying to post #6878 by Brainer




<3 fg

2019/07/30 (Tue) 04:32:03


how do you manage to curse on a regular basis

Editing post #6765 by jt

Replying to post #6765 by jt

Teru Mikami

2019/07/09 (Tue) 10:46:43


IIRC skype video calls usually end up on NSA hard drives for some reason. thanks for the advice brother

Editing post #6626 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6626 by Teru Mikami




<3 fg

2019/07/09 (Tue) 06:58:37


yes i admit I said some touchy feely things to mike ike back then. However teru your most popular type here is ISTP. I dunno, but my recommendation is stay away from discord. Beleve me, the programmers who design social media websites are a much different kind than "strawberry", "segovois", or whoever "admin" is, your ENTP real self will return.

what makes these "databank" clones special? First of all, anyone who stalks us from real life will be introduced to mbti for the first time or already know it, and mbti is one of those "ideologies" even more soul consuming than the typical popular ideologies or isms. Thou Shalt not cross the mbti line

Editing post #6621 by jt

Replying to post #6621 by jt

Teru Mikami

2019/07/09 (Tue) 06:39:39


hey dont say that, my dad might beat me

Editing post #6619 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6619 by Teru Mikami




<3 fg

2019/07/09 (Tue) 06:32:55


teru you remind me a little of this one guy who had a girlfriend in high school because he acted somewhat feminine. I forgot if this guy's middle name is Richard, because I could have easily confused him with another person with the same exact first and last name.

Teru you have to earn the right to be Intutive. N. Somehow we all (or just me) suspected you were sensor - back in mbtibase

put it this way - sensors talk a lot of sex in this website and use urban dictionary slang words on a continual basis.

Editing post #6616 by jt

Replying to post #6616 by jt




<3 fg

2019/07/09 (Tue) 04:39:10


Personally mike is probably INFP or ENFP because honestly, I've never met anyone in my city other than my AP psychology teacher and one teacher who teaches language arts who knows about mbti. I once spoke to Stuart Reges who lectured about mbti in one of his lectures for 10 minutes and had an computer programming homework assignment about mbti.

Editing post #6602 by jt

Replying to post #6602 by jt




<3 fg

2019/07/09 (Tue) 00:37:32


I considered copying and pasting that comment here - with an id of 6596 to be precise

Editing post #6601 by jt

Replying to post #6601 by jt

Teru Mikami

2019/07/09 (Tue) 04:32:50


discord is either delta or INTJ ENTJ. They tried to allow sex with animals and child pornography (like delta and hollywood businessmen). Mike says you are loved he is flattered. Join

Editing post #6600 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6600 by Teru Mikami




<3 fg

2019/07/09 (Tue) 04:17:13


Discord is either INTP or ENTP. Where Im living in (seattle) is very INTP. Guess what is INTP? Sorry I'll avoid Discord the same reason I avoid ESFJs, ISFJs, and computer programmers who are xNTP. All of these, (defined by socionics) are Alpha people who think they have social superiority and possibly even snobby attitudes.

Editing post #6598 by jt

Replying to post #6598 by jt




<3 fg

2019/07/09 (Tue) 04:03:25


then again why would an ENTP (your most popular typing in mbtibase and old personality-databank) curse the amount of times you do.

Editing post #6595 by jt

Replying to post #6595 by jt




<3 fg

2019/07/09 (Tue) 03:58:50


So why (or how) did you turn Beta (ISTj ISTP = LSI would be ISTj? SLI would be ISTp?) all of a sudden?

Editing post #6594 by jt

Replying to post #6594 by jt

Teru Mikami

2019/07/05 (Fri) 06:38:51


jt bro r u named "horsefucker" in my server or is that another one of (((someone's))) alts

Editing post #6571 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6571 by Teru Mikami




<3 fg

2019/07/05 (Fri) 05:43:14


i remember this guy's mbtibase selfie (I DO mean to be judging - xxxJ)... so how did you start getting the ISTP votes? Did you start trying to join a bro group? From what I recall, ISTPs talk about reality and current trends. Intuitives are "weird" and make up their own topics - and the topics that are very weird to sensors. (I forget - ISTPs are sensation seekers). I remember the (urban dictionary) posts from mbtibase - though I am not allowed to do that here because mbtibase has some anonymous people who DO have the ignorance of an "urban dictionary" user

Editing post #6566 by jt

Replying to post #6566 by jt

Teru Mikami

2019/06/26 (Wed) 16:09:52


u werent in it

Editing post #6522 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6522 by Teru Mikami



5w4/1w9/4w5 Sx/Sp


2019/06/26 (Wed) 16:01:04


WTF happened to that discord while I was away?

Editing post #6521 by tman

Replying to post #6521 by tman

Teru Mikami

2019/06/26 (Wed) 15:57:27


thats why u post cock & ball torture on discord

Editing post #6520 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6520 by Teru Mikami

This comment has been deleted.

Teru Mikami

2019/06/26 (Wed) 14:15:11


SLI-Si subtype "The sensory subtype is undemonstrative, discreet, and considerate, but also obstinate and uncompromising in defending his opinions and interests. He supports his position rationally, with factual information, rather than with thought-up or assumed accounts. Diligent, laborious, patient and persistent in his work and studies. If some project captures his interest, he will tirelessly try to improve his results, both intellectual and material. At times he needs a change of occupation, but he tries to bring previous work to completion. From time to time he becomes contemplative, withdraws into himself, distances from his social circle in order to submerge into his own issues.

Somewhat stiff in dialogue, may be laconic, but tries to be good-natured if he feels tensions arise in interaction. Prefers items that are original and of good quality yet simple and unpretentious. Pays attention to his health, appearance, and figure, tries to dress tastefully. Aesthete, enjoys handcrafted items. His movements and gestured tend to be gracefully lazy, fluid, and at the same time confident and precise. His gait is a little lax, elastic. He dislikes hurrying, but at the same time he is not slow. Seems somewhat proud and haughty.

Original person with a strong personality , but because of modesty and indecision often remains in the shadows. Combines a sober realism and practicality with a propensity for self-development. Quite mobile, cherishes interior comfort and freedom of action. If you find your calling , can long pursue the case. Over time it reaches a high skill , as is never satisfied and constantly made ??it develops , giving the best form of content . Curious , incidentally interested in other ways to show their abilities , try yourself in different directions. However badly sees prospects in future cases , because of what may miss an important opportunity . Often sad about the lost opportunities .

Uncompromising in matters of principle for him , does not like to give in once conquered positions , but can be considered as the rules and regulations of their environment . Has a tendency to secure life and it encourages him to work. He does not like abstract conversations , prefers action. Loves best hand creative work , whether it's playing a musical instrument , knitting , embroidery and making handicrafts .

Hard to tolerate routine, monotony and boredom. Falls into a depression , if you have long engaged in the same business . Can not engage in long-term paper or purely intellectual work . Needs a specific , practical activities , outdoor activity , and frequent change of impressions. For useless work will not be taken , but if you passionate about business, develops a great performance. Prefers to prepare for cases in advance, thinking through the details of the operation , then to work smoothly, clearly and quickly. In receive close and conscientious . Does everything accurately. She knows her worth and is proud of his work .

Skillfully solves everyday problems . Sometimes distracted by other activities and creates a home or work artistic mess , but then mobilized and quickly restore order . He does not like to obey someone's will or graphics. May delay the decision-making needs support and inspiration. If the choice is made, despite the apparent inertia and relaxation , shows an enviable perseverance . In the process of the work no one is committed . Its results are always a surprise to others.

Kept in communication and display of emotions . With skepticism refers to violent emotions , but very sensitive to compliments . Sometimes it seems unapproachable and official , though trying to create an atmosphere of simplicity and ease. Internally, emotional and vulnerable, but manages to escape from conflict , showing good judgment and diplomacy . Critical and sarcastic , but he tries to spare the feelings of others , so the drawbacks usually speaks only at the appropriate time and inoffensive manner. Not interested in the personal lives of others, and tells about his reluctance. Faithful in a relationship and always keeps his promises .

Has a sense of humor with a touch of irony. Eye for every detail . Very impressionable . Intolerant of rudeness and boorishness , bad taste and vulgarity. He does not like pathos, demonstrative appeals, as well as arrogance and conceit . He suffers from mood swings that affect its performance . An effort to do not like it. If the environmental violate its interior comfort or limit the independence , can flare up , what then is very sorry . In other cases, trying to be aware and loyal.

This is a man with a keen sensitivity : poor response to stuffy , unpleasant odors, uncomfortable clothes and shoes, the unsightly appearance of people or food. Does not tolerate drunkenness , dirt, bad manners . Hard to perceive the slightest discomfort , both external and internal. Afraid of disease, old age , so watching them . Care about their health and is very concerned about loved ones.

A person who loves comfort, warmth , nature , traveling , and then willingly shared with loved ones or cute to him and his men look and feel of the world. Appreciates in clothing and in the interior of the room uniqueness and originality , does not like standards , gives great attention to quality . Tries elegantly and tastefully dressed. Kept confident, with a quiet dignity.

He is inclined to hold as it is convenient to him , though , and tries to take the interests of others. Sometimes it is interesting to examine ourselves in difficult situations , overcome difficulties , which contributes to its self-affirmation. However, do not like too much risk and recklessness in actions. He impressed bold , sincere , friendly and open people , encouraging, success and lifting his spirits . Unpredictable by nature and independent partner gives him a sense of curiosity and a desire to restrain him."

Editing post #6514 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6514 by Teru Mikami

Teru Mikami

2019/06/11 (Tue) 02:01:48


we are hard at work solving differential equations. join

Editing post #6374 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6374 by Teru Mikami




<3 fg

2019/06/11 (Tue) 01:57:33


I vow to ignore this person. Then again, I think you're no longer 7w8 as you used to be. What happened?

I realize I messed up.
I accidently said an Fi statement.

Editing post #6372 by jt

Replying to post #6372 by jt

Teru Mikami

2019/06/04 (Tue) 18:10:31


i would like to retract my earlier statements as i have observed i can update the page picture, thank you very much strawberry crisis i appreciate the efforts.

Editing post #6299 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6299 by Teru Mikami




<3 fg

2019/06/04 (Tue) 18:09:53


I didn't know they were from New York

Editing post #6298 by jt

Replying to post #6298 by jt

Teru Mikami

2019/06/04 (Tue) 18:08:52


yes i commented "[bad word]" once and it got 2 (two) likes & was removed but the votes werent, this is obviously favoritism and i will remind you that (((writers from new york))) run this website

Editing post #6297 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6297 by Teru Mikami




<3 fg

2019/06/04 (Tue) 18:03:43


So if I say one of those words that are illegal to type you as (for some reason Strawberry Crisis did not remove them from your results in the left) but yet they are normal slang words, then there would be outrage correct?

I archived this page too because I know it will be edited out

I am a very mean person.

Editing post #6295 by jt

Replying to post #6295 by jt

Teru Mikami

2019/05/30 (Thu) 08:20:41


God#1846 on discord if you please, darling

Editing post #6194 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6194 by Teru Mikami




<3 fg

2019/05/30 (Thu) 01:04:23


and you pretend to have a crush on me

Editing post #6188 by jt

Replying to post #6188 by jt

Teru Mikami

2019/05/29 (Wed) 18:10:06


i read a french article that says no and i agree

Editing post #6185 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6185 by Teru Mikami





2019/05/24 (Fri) 16:41:17


Damn i though only the like,phobic types could be counterphobic

Editing post #6087 by Diobono

Replying to post #6087 by Diobono

Teru Mikami

2019/05/24 (Fri) 09:37:28


i like saying shut up retard

Editing post #6086 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6086 by Teru Mikami




<3 fg

2019/05/24 (Fri) 07:02:17


the increasing recent ISTP votes are worrisome... how could you join the sensor side

Editing post #6084 by jt

Replying to post #6084 by jt

Teru Mikami

2019/05/06 (Mon) 22:15:38


cp 5w4 and that's the tea

Editing post #5876 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #5876 by Teru Mikami

Teru Mikami

2019/03/16 (Sat) 22:52:56


so u wanna be part of the group but dont trust urself enough to do so? projecting.

Editing post #5628 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #5628 by Teru Mikami



9w1 sp/sx


2019/03/16 (Sat) 21:59:07


I haven’t been active, true, but I’ve been oBsErViNg :>

Editing post #5627 by Zeego

Replying to post #5627 by Zeego

Teru Mikami

2019/03/16 (Sat) 21:30:36


bro u havent been online in 2 months..ur projecting!!

Editing post #5626 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #5626 by Teru Mikami



9w1 sp/sx


2019/03/16 (Sat) 16:03:04


Your behavior on the Socioplace server makes me think cp6w7 for you (not saying behavior always indicates Enneagram type, it often doesn't)

Editing post #5624 by Zeego

Replying to post #5624 by Zeego

Teru Mikami

2019/02/19 (Tue) 15:47:59


ur projecting dude

Editing post #5334 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #5334 by Teru Mikami




2019/02/19 (Tue) 15:07:19


well now that that's over, i'm going to go gorge a bunch of cupcakes and ice cream to soothe my aching heart

#justSEIthings yknow

Editing post #5333 by switchblades

Replying to post #5333 by switchblades




2019/02/19 (Tue) 14:57:03


but alas... you are only



Editing post #5332 by switchblades

Replying to post #5332 by switchblades




2019/02/19 (Tue) 14:55:17


O! Teru! I sing from the top of the green, green hill down below. Won't you be my dual? O... I long for your inspiration to bring some light into my insipid, average, comfortable life! O! It would be so possible



if only...

if only...


YOU WERE ILE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Editing post #5331 by switchblades

Replying to post #5331 by switchblades

Teru Mikami

2019/02/19 (Tue) 14:43:17


INTJ tbh..

Editing post #5330 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #5330 by Teru Mikami

Teru Mikami

2019/02/17 (Sun) 23:58:41


shut up retard

Editing post #5306 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #5306 by Teru Mikami

This comment has been deleted.

Teru Mikami

2019/01/27 (Sun) 17:36:32


6w7 cause 6w7 bad and holy man is truthful

Editing post #5062 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #5062 by Teru Mikami

Teru Mikami

2018/08/28 (Tue) 09:37:44


what about INTP with crippling ADHD

Editing post #3064 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #3064 by Teru Mikami

Teru Mikami

2018/08/28 (Tue) 06:50:45


ENTJ is right I am the quintessential Ni user

Editing post #3058 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #3058 by Teru Mikami

Teru Mikami

2018/08/05 (Sun) 17:43:56


too bad I'm legal in 2 months

Editing post #2587 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #2587 by Teru Mikami





2018/08/05 (Sun) 16:35:24


Love this man!

Editing post #2586 by allm8

Replying to post #2586 by allm8

Teru Mikami

2018/07/14 (Sat) 20:50:56


fg you a real one

Editing post #2134 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #2134 by Teru Mikami




Beta ST

2018/07/10 (Tue) 02:07:07


ILE-Ti subtype:"Appearance: The logical subtype projects an impression of a serious person. Can be sharp and even inconsiderate from time to time. Self-assured, speaks rapidly and usually in a categorical tone. Can be unduly categorical in his judgments with a tendency of imposing his opinion on others. At times appears assertive and self-confident. Impatient, cannot always wait for someone else to finish before interrupting. Often takes up something new and tries to find it a practical embodiment. Actively and vigorously defends his interests. While doing so, he may flare up and offend someone, but noticing this tries to correct the situation. Rather self-centered and may take offense at minor things, however, after some time he once again becomes well-wishing and amicable. His behavior is unpredictable and full of contrasts. His gaze is at times scattered and at other times testing and tenacious. Gait and gestures are swinging, seem confident but poorly coordinated. His pose is free and unrestrained. Easily closes the distance, may hug and kiss his conversation partner.

Character: Loves to expose everything to logical analysis. May be engaged in theoretical development if it has the potential of being implemented into practice. Critically thinks over old theories and methods and is able to create qualitatively new ones. Can turn vague ideas into well designed, easy to implement, concrete projects. Can feel potential and future prospects, has a good marketing sense. Quickly loses interest in what has been done. Due to this can scatter himself and not finish everything that he has started, unless it concerns something that is important and fundamental for him. Often completely changes his types of activity and plunges into something new. Avidly engages in projects and opportunities that cannot be fully exhausted.

Has an inclination to impose his views on others. In cases when he has been proven wrong, it is difficult for him to admit it. Does not succumb to intimidation. He can issue a challenge to a superior opponent even without any actual chances of success. In arguments and discussions he is excitable and often hot tempered. When he is put under pressure he boldly and aggressively fights back. When there is panic, he calmly and confidently takes the initiative in his hands, becomes focused and decisive, acts quickly and logically. Can find a way out of any difficult situation.

Active and energetic. Savvy in strategic questions and enterprising. Readily attracts people to new undertakings if he considers them promising. He is constantly on the lookout for new approaches and solutions to the present problems. Doesn't stop on what has been accomplished. Suggests radical solutions. Ambitious. If necessary can be tough and assertive. Does not like to compromise.

As a leader prefers that everyone would be in their places occupied by their work. Encourages people around him to activity, teamwork, and cohesion. Democratic by nature, tries to be the first among equals. Not inclined to show respect for ranks and conformity. Easily switches to a more familiar language in his conversations with others. Shows his positive predisposition by a handshake and a friendly smile. Tries to be fair to all but is not afraid to say the truth directly. Wants to be respected. Can be unrestrained in arguments and disputes. Tries to distance himself from imposing people who want to use him to their advantage.

From time to time needs to spend time in a good company or engage in other activities (sports or hobbies) in order to raise his vitality and spirits. Likes to make useful contacts. Since he is not always a good judge of character, sometimes keeps questionable acquaintances. As a consequence of this, he is inclined to periodically become disillusioned with people. Has difficulties creating positive, stable relationships, but despite being scattered he usually tries to keep his promises.

Mistrustful of feelings. Afraid to show how he feels being uncertain in subsequent reaction of his partner. Painfully experiences uncertainty in relationships. If he believes the reciprocity is there, he will honestly speak of his shortcomings because he is afraid of letting down the hopes and expectations of his partner and well as being let down himself. Afraid of becoming dependent on his partner. Often puts work interests above personal attachments. Any reproaches or criticisms irritate him. Can vehemently and sharply defend his independence and point of view, but later regrets it and tries to smooth things over if he cares for the person."

Editing post #1984 by fg

Replying to post #1984 by fg

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/02 (Mon) 14:19:25


Millenials, always tryng to get people fired. Back in my day when someone told you that you were mistyped you'd fight it out like men.

Editing post #1761 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1761 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Teru Mikami

2018/07/02 (Mon) 14:08:11


hey no doxxing on my page kids

Editing post #1760 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1760 by Teru Mikami

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/02 (Mon) 14:04:30


Lol Manhattan actually but you were close

Editing post #1759 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1759 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys




2018/07/02 (Mon) 13:21:09


I found dollars ip he's from staten island, it's obviously Mr istp 6w7 sx/sp

Editing post #1758 by switchblades

Replying to post #1758 by switchblades

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/02 (Mon) 10:25:20


Maybe you could tell me how he's more N?

Editing post #1757 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1757 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/02 (Mon) 10:24:48


I already said a bit but when you write "lol" at the end I think that means your mind is already made up on the subject matter

Editing post #1756 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1756 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/02 (Mon) 10:00:20


Hide what? I've been pretty open about myself I'd say. Would you like to know what I do for a living? I make soap

Editing post #1754 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1754 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Teru Mikami

2018/07/02 (Mon) 09:49:23


still tryna hide it huh mr ISTP 6w7 Sx/Sp

Editing post #1753 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1753 by Teru Mikami

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/02 (Mon) 09:47:33


You don't even know who I was on the other site. Maybe I never even commented. I'm not entirely sold on 5. I think 6 or 9 are possible

Editing post #1752 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1752 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Teru Mikami

2018/07/02 (Mon) 09:44:04


on the other site you called people disabled, stupid and ugly then whined about why ppl don't like u now ur out here identifying as a 5 and telling me stuff like i cant be one bc im not serious enough 

Editing post #1751 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1751 by Teru Mikami

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/02 (Mon) 09:31:54


You seem more Se, I don't see how you're Ne. On the other site you strayed away from anything intellectual and would just post memes

Editing post #1750 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1750 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Teru Mikami

2018/07/02 (Mon) 09:09:12


high Ne and low-average Se = ISTP 

Editing post #1749 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1749 by Teru Mikami

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/02 (Mon) 08:57:47


Honestly I think ISTP in both systems but you're less N when it comes to functions. 

Editing post #1748 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1748 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Teru Mikami

2018/07/02 (Mon) 08:36:22


ISTP by letters is one thing but I dare you to rationalize an ISTP function typing

Editing post #1746 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1746 by Teru Mikami

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/01 (Sun) 19:54:29


You just said most people are wrong though

Editing post #1718 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1718 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Teru Mikami

2018/07/01 (Sun) 19:48:45


they changed their minds when my INTP votes went from 3 to 9 yeah

Editing post #1714 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1714 by Teru Mikami

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/01 (Sun) 19:46:30


people must have changed their mind. Still you have more INTP than ISTP votes

Editing post #1713 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1713 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Teru Mikami

2018/07/01 (Sun) 19:43:51


damn okay

Editing post #1711 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1711 by Teru Mikami

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/01 (Sun) 19:39:45


I see mostly INTP votes in the red. And no, not extremly. But more than concrete you must be

Editing post #1706 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1706 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Teru Mikami

2018/07/01 (Sun) 19:37:44


bro everyone voted me ENTP and xSTP even then, why is it so hard for you to understand that you don't have to be some extremely abstract and conceptual rambler to be INxx

Editing post #1703 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1703 by Teru Mikami

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/01 (Sun) 19:32:23


I'm saying nobody buys into it. Some of the INTPs on the other site were just insecure so they created this excuse

Editing post #1698 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1698 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys




2018/07/01 (Sun) 19:29:05


i didn't say i necessarily agreed with it, i think the coolsexy axis is bs too

Editing post #1696 by switchblades

Replying to post #1696 by switchblades

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/01 (Sun) 19:28:06


there's no such thing as a "coolsexy" axis. Look how ENxPs are viewed in this community

Editing post #1695 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1695 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys




2018/07/01 (Sun) 19:24:19


lol you know teru lowkey this is probably a good thing cause at least ISTP is on that "coolsexy" axis

Editing post #1692 by switchblades

Replying to post #1692 by switchblades

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/01 (Sun) 19:23:26


People can be biased about thow they see themselves cause they're talking about themselves. INTP is incorrect

Editing post #1691 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1691 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys




2018/07/01 (Sun) 19:19:09


most people type him incorrectly because they rely on vibe and stereotypes before self-assessments, jfl @ still thinking you know someone better than they know themselves

Editing post #1689 by switchblades

Replying to post #1689 by switchblades

Teru Mikami

2018/07/01 (Sun) 19:16:50


my I and N scores just magically disappeared wow ya got me

Editing post #1687 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1687 by Teru Mikami

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/01 (Sun) 19:13:06


Yes, that's why they voted INTP

Editing post #1686 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1686 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Teru Mikami

2018/07/01 (Sun) 19:05:45


most people are wrong

Editing post #1685 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1685 by Teru Mikami

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/01 (Sun) 18:52:13


You're on the shit list Nyx


Editing post #1684 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1684 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/01 (Sun) 18:45:29


*teru is ISTP or ENTP as fuck


Editing post #1683 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1683 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/01 (Sun) 18:43:03


most people type you as a 7w8. Not exactly very I or N

Editing post #1682 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1682 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Teru Mikami

2018/07/01 (Sun) 18:30:01


yeah if im not an E nor S what could i possibly be

Editing post #1680 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1680 by Teru Mikami




2018/07/01 (Sun) 18:28:36


teru is INTP as fuck

Editing post #1679 by switchblades

Replying to post #1679 by switchblades

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/01 (Sun) 18:07:21


I never thought it possible to fail a personality examination

Editing post #1675 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1675 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Teru Mikami

2018/07/01 (Sun) 14:30:43


oops haha messed up with that last one

Editing post #1672 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1672 by Teru Mikami

Teru Mikami

2018/07/01 (Sun) 14:30:20


for what it's worth here's like every test ive ever taken 

Editing post #1671 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1671 by Teru Mikami





2018/07/01 (Sun) 08:41:00


Would like to hear arguments for either side

Editing post #1670 by Sleeper

Replying to post #1670 by Sleeper

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/01 (Sun) 07:45:32


They have to be abstract and they will have traits more associated with being schiizotypal. I still view you as ISxx

Editing post #1669 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1669 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Teru Mikami

2018/07/01 (Sun) 04:25:11


nah, not every INTP has to be some abstract schizotypal dork, I'm I and N by letters

Editing post #1668 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1668 by Teru Mikami

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/06/30 (Sat) 20:08:08


It doesn't, ESTP and INTP wouldn't be middle grounds. INxx is double abstract. ESxx is double concrete. So ISTP or ENTP would be the more logical answers

Editing post #1606 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1606 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Teru Mikami

2018/06/30 (Sat) 18:13:08


it's either ENTP or ISTP guys a middle ground doesn't exist

Editing post #1600 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1600 by Teru Mikami

22/03/28 22:01GIJOEBusta Cap ENTP
19/12/23 14:23Fuzzy ENTP
19/10/16 20:28Ch-ngch-ng ESTP
19/12/23 22:28ethan ENTP
20/08/05 14:51Thyssen INTP
19/07/27 20:36Teru Mikami ENTJ
19/02/08 23:48LadyX ENTP
20/12/29 14:25Tman ENTP
19/07/05 06:01tch IxTP
20/06/12 18:16Diobono ENTP
19/01/31 09:32LVNA ISTJ
19/12/23 03:26Taco110 ESTP
18/07/01 06:43Nyx INTP
18/07/24 10:02fg ESTP
18/06/15 06:26*~snow~* INTP
19/02/19 14:50switchblades INTJ
18/06/25 10:16Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys ISTP
18/05/14 09:13Khel INTP
22/03/28 21:41GIJOEBusta Cap ESTP
19/12/23 22:28ethan ENTP
19/12/23 14:23Fuzzy ENTP
19/10/16 20:28Ch-ngch-ng ESTP
19/09/20 11:29Tman ESTP
19/07/27 20:36Teru Mikami INTJ
19/05/24 15:25jt ISTP
20/06/12 18:16Diobono ISTP
18/09/17 13:17LVNA ISTP
18/07/21 08:07switchblades ENTP
19/12/23 03:26Taco110 ESTP
18/07/01 06:43Nyx ISTP
18/06/15 06:26*~snow~* ENTP
18/05/13 02:32SigmaEnigma ESTP
19/04/26 04:29fg ESTP
22/03/28 21:41GIJOEBusta Cap 7w8
19/12/23 22:36ethan 7w8
19/12/23 14:23Fuzzy 7w8
19/10/16 20:32Ch-ngch-ng cp6w7
19/10/01 15:27Diobono cp6w7
19/08/04 01:59Zoinks 6wb
19/07/27 20:36Teru Mikami 1wb
19/05/24 06:57jt 7w8
19/03/16 16:01Zeego cp6w7
20/03/15 13:31Tman 7w8
19/02/08 23:52LadyX 7w8
19/08/02 18:39Phantom cp7w6
18/11/24 18:33HashBIT 7w8
19/01/31 09:32LVNA cp6w5
18/06/30 05:16Nyx 5w4
18/06/05 08:50Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys 7w6
19/03/18 16:52fg cp6w7
18/05/13 02:32SigmaEnigma 7w8
19/09/27 19:03Taco110 7w8
22/03/28 21:41GIJOEBusta Cap sp/sx
20/07/04 07:09Diobono sp/sx
20/02/13 15:20Thyssen sx/sp
19/12/23 14:23Fuzzy sx/sp
19/10/14 00:28LadyX sx/sp
19/07/27 20:38Teru Mikami so/sx
19/09/20 11:30Tman sx/sp
18/07/10 04:00Taco110 sp/sx
18/06/13 03:11switchblades sp/sx
20/07/25 13:39Tman 738
19/10/16 20:28Ch-ngch-ng 684
19/09/27 19:02Taco110 784
19/07/27 20:37Teru Mikami 451
19/02/17 23:45ResoluteSoul 468
18/09/17 13:45fg 469
19/01/31 09:33LVNA 469
18/09/13 07:44switchblades 548
22/03/28 21:41GIJOEBusta Cap ILE
20/06/10 14:48Thyssen ILE
20/05/09 19:48Fuzzy SEE
19/12/23 22:36ethan EIE
19/07/30 11:43tman ILE
19/09/23 10:11Teru Mikami EII
20/06/12 18:15Diobono ILE
20/09/04 12:44fg SEE
19/02/02 11:24ruboline LSI
19/01/31 09:43Taco110 ILE
19/01/31 09:33LVNA SLI
19/06/26 07:48kawaii ILE
19/02/19 14:57switchblades SLI
20/06/10 14:48Thyssen FLVE
19/10/17 12:04fg FLVE
19/10/17 10:13Tman FLVE
20/06/10 14:49Thyssen HEXACO
19/10/18 00:07LadyX HEXACO
19/10/16 18:46Diobono HEXACO