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Spongebob Squarepants

Spongebob Squarepants

in Television, Film Industry, and Mass Media

Spongebob Squarepants ~ Sakinorva Databank

Spongebob Squarepants

Spongebob Squarepants

7w6 11
6w7 2
so/sx 12
234 567 891

total votes 73








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IEI - Fe

2018/08/30 (Thu) 20:11:20


People confuse emotionality with Fe (F = feeling and e = extraverted/external = externalizing feelings! Emotionally expressive! No.) and forget that Fe isn't an act but an ethical function like Fi. It's extraverted because it wants to consider the feelings of the group external to themselves and, ethically speaking, do things that are right for the group as a whole (objective ethics if you will). Fe can be emotional like Fi but in a manner that is communicative as opposed to expressive. Fe, if you will, wants a unified social atmosphere and consider the importance of communication right down to vocal intonation and other subtle forms of vocal communication. Fe types want to do what others do. They want to feel what others feel.


This is different for Fi. Fi is concerned with how the individual themselves feel. Ethically, Fi ethics is derived from what they feel in right. Emotionally and in contrast to Fe, Fi is expressive as opposed to communicative. Since Fi isn't linked to a unified social atmosphere (and might even reject it) it usually might not know how to communicate itself in an appropriate manner and thus comes out as more individualistic and expressive. Even though Fi is, in the end, out of a personal desire to do good as opposed a natural need for a harmonious social environement, it is more than possible for Fi to act humanitarian and be concerned about the well being of others instead of their own - like an Fe type. Keep in mind, it's about being ethical. If it's ethical to be humanitarian and be concerned for others both Fe and Fi types can do it with the same outcomes. The difference is how they go about doing it and what motivates them.


Fe types will be humanitarian because it harmonizes their group of belonging. Fi types will be humanitarian because they feel it's the right things to do. It's important to recognize what motivates a type to be humanitarian in order to differentiate whether they have Fe or Fi. Humanitarianism is not exclusively Fe. The same applies to emotionality it's important to differentiate between communicative emotionality and expressive emotionality and know which form of emotionality belongs to Fe or Fi. Emotionality is not exclusively Fe. 


Keep in mind, capacity for emotionality and ethical action becomes a lesser concern (and thus less expressed) as Fe and Fi start existing in lower function stacks. The stereotypes for selfish Fi might originate from an analysis of just TJ and unhealthy FP types as opposed to Fi from healthy FPs or observations from a wide variety of Fi users in general. Most common functions descriptions you'll find usually have a difficult time conveying what is the essence of a function and how it can manifest within certain stacks and with certain other functions and what common traits might occur if they're healthy or unhealthy. Most descriptions usually jumble it up and make it difficult to decipher for the common typist. This is why people have a difficult time udnerstanding how an Fi type can be "concerned for others" or be "humanitarian" when those descriptions are generally used under Fe.


Editing post #3118 by fiddlediddle

Replying to post #3118 by fiddlediddle

strawberry crisis



2018/08/30 (Thu) 11:07:58


Why do The Functions make actual MBTI feeling into an Fe exclusive trait? I feel like Fi being described as “self-centered” or “attuned to oneself’s emotions” completely erases an extended preference for MB Feeling in people who identify with the intuition first aspect of it, and there could be so many better ways to describe a concept like Fi that could potentially resonate more with actual feelers. Maybe I could say Fi is a function that “truly” understands people’s emotions and connects to them honestly, authentically and personally, while Fe is a function that depends more on organizing the emotional environment to imbue the emotional atmosphere with any desired emotion. Maybe I could say that the Fi “values” or morals or however you want to refer to them surround Fe-related values and hence why someone who appears Ne-Fe is really Ne-Fi “pretending” to be Fe. 

Editing post #3114 by strawberry crisis

Replying to post #3114 by strawberry crisis





2018/08/30 (Thu) 10:19:46



Where's his Fi, though? I know I'm not an expert when it comes to functions, but he seems to be strongly attuned to other people, on an emotional level. Constantly trying to be nice to other people (being very sad himself because of Gary's sadness, for example) and putting other people's needs before his.


Editing post #3113 by allm8

Replying to post #3113 by allm8





2018/05/10 (Thu) 19:07:53


Spongebob is absolutely not a perceiver. I'd say ENFJ by letters, ESFJ by functions.

Editing post #352 by SigmaEnigma

Replying to post #352 by SigmaEnigma

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22/05/25 12:39rock and roll ESFJ
22/03/21 02:42GIJOEBusta Cap ESFJ
20/07/23 10:31Sean91939 ENFP
20/06/27 20:39muosda1 ESFJ
20/04/07 23:44zayeh ISFJ
19/08/20 17:22Thyssen ENFP
19/05/31 04:24jt ESTP
18/11/15 09:01Tch ENFP
18/11/05 19:23twinpinks ENFP
20/05/27 04:05crazycookie101 ESFJ
18/08/08 19:35switchblades ENFJ
18/05/10 09:42Skippy Munchkin ESFJ
18/05/07 06:39Maul ENFP
18/05/07 01:06Taco110 ENFJ
18/05/07 10:50strawberry crisis ENFJ
18/05/07 10:33kawaii ENFJ
22/05/25 12:39rock and roll ESFJ
22/03/21 02:42GIJOEBusta Cap ESFJ
22/03/10 11:35Woll Smoth ESFP
21/04/27 04:30devilgirl666 ESFJ
20/09/29 00:51gary69 ESFJ
20/07/23 10:31Sean91939 ESFJ
20/06/27 20:39muosda1 ESFJ
20/02/03 12:54Lol ENFP
19/08/20 17:22Thyssen ENFP
19/03/04 15:13tch ENFP
18/12/13 14:15Taco110 ENFP
18/11/14 17:48SigmaEnigma ESFJ
18/08/30 20:20fiddlediddle ENFP
22/05/25 12:39rock and roll 7w6
22/03/21 02:42GIJOEBusta Cap 7w6
20/07/23 10:31Sean91939 7w6
20/06/27 20:39muosda1 7w6
20/05/27 04:05crazycookie101 6w7
20/02/03 12:54Lol 7w6
19/08/20 17:22Thyssen 7w6
18/05/07 06:38Maul 7w6
18/05/07 01:06Taco110 7w6
18/08/22 14:27strawberry crisis 6w7
18/05/07 10:33kawaii 7w6
22/05/25 12:39rock and roll so/sx
22/03/21 02:42GIJOEBusta Cap so/sx
20/07/23 10:31Sean91939 so/sx
20/06/27 20:39muosda1 so/sx
20/05/27 04:05crazycookie101 so/sx
19/08/20 17:22Thyssen so/sx
18/05/07 06:38Maul so/sx
18/05/07 01:06Taco110 so/sx
18/05/07 10:50strawberry crisis so/sx
18/05/07 10:33kawaii so/sx
20/06/27 20:39muosda1 721
19/08/20 17:22Thyssen 729
18/12/13 14:16Taco110 729
22/05/25 12:39rock and roll ESE
22/03/21 02:42GIJOEBusta Cap ESE
20/07/23 10:31Sean91939 ESE
20/02/03 12:54Lol ESE
19/08/20 17:22Thyssen ESE
18/12/13 14:11Taco110 ESE
20/05/27 04:05crazycookie101 ESE
18/08/08 19:36switchblades ESE
20/06/27 20:39muosda1 EFVL
19/10/30 16:35Thyssen EVFL