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Rei Ayanami

Neon Genesis Evangelion

in Cartoon and Animation

Rei Ayanami ~ Sakinorva Databank

Rei Ayanami

Neon Genesis Evangelion

6w5 8
5w6 1
9w8 1
5wb 1
1w9 1
sp/so 6
sx/sp 2
sp/sx 1
234 567 891

total votes 66









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Beta ST

2020/02/17 (Mon) 02:55:59


"Wimpy men proudly identifying with Shinji." who? where? most of time he is either hated or create identification but rarely proudly. Sometimes liked for his kindness, i already heard that. but "proudly identifying" seem nothing more than a product of your imagination to make you appear as special . as usual.

"My view is that, ultimately, a clone-alien parody of waifuism and whatnot is still a preferable character to a failed man and a failed woman, themes and morals be damned. She deserves a more sympathetic father." your lack of argumentation will never stop to make me facepalm.

Editing post #7720 by fg

Replying to post #7720 by fg





2020/02/16 (Sun) 12:46:34


Besides, the show is now used primarily to the opposite of Ano's desired effect. Wimpy men proudly identifying with Shinji. Idiots treating Asuka like an ideal and wanting a "tsundere" gf.

Plato is always right.

Editing post #7717 by Jacobus

Replying to post #7717 by Jacobus





2020/02/16 (Sun) 12:28:41


Eh. I'm aware of all the satire and commentary Ano was engaging in. NGE isn't a difficult show to understand. All the Freudian-Existentialist bullshit in it has never particularly interested me because I've never needed it myself. I choose my own flaws and my own virtues, ma mèrde has nothing to do with it.

My view is that, ultimately, a clone-alien parody of waifuism and whatnot is still a preferable character to a failed man and a failed woman, themes and morals be damned. She deserves a more sympathetic father.

Editing post #7716 by Jacobus

Replying to post #7716 by Jacobus

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Beta ST

2020/02/16 (Sun) 02:38:36


your analysis and commentary is all wrong like usual. And your preference may even be an indicator of your lack of intelligence and inability in analysis. but i will explain for all of this that of course.

Why your comment is stupid? by fg

1:a character does not especially have to earn sympathy. Some character are just written in a way that make it difficult to have sympathy or are just not written to bring sympathy. Shinji and Asuka are written for bringing empathy rather than sympathy. And the absence of one does not create the absence of the other . For example : the death of Envy in FMA, despite being one of the less sympathetic character of the franchise, yet his internal pain tend to touch most of spectators.

2: Rey is a puppet. by that i don't mean that she does not have one single emotion, it's rather that her emotion is programmed in a finalist way. she was programmed from Shinji's mother, her feeling are meant to fulfill a role, both for gendo and shinji. She is meant to represent the oedipian part of Evangelion as well as Gendo. She is meant to appear as the best choice (she is sweet, does have an amount of dignity, does not seem to have a complex towards her sexually formed body, selfless etc...) but it's because she is the simili of an already accomplished woman and most of all is the simili of Shinji's mother. Shinji as any men (according to narrative freudian scheme)does have to overcome this stage of manhood and instead to find a girl that will not reproduce but permit  to detach him from her mother to become the new women in his wife in his adulthood life. it lead us to Asuka.

3: Asuka is far from perfect. She have an inferiority-superiority complex, she is violent, self centred and have an unhealthy approach towards her body. She is all what we usually don't want to see in a women. But just like Shinji is all what we don't want to see in a men passive, full of self-pity, perverse but not sexually domineering. They both are humans not yet formed to be adults that are sexually blocked in their oedipian stade (Shinji with Rei, Asuka with Ryoji). Anno does like Asuka rather than Rei because of this and would rather see Shinji with Asuka because she just like Shinji represent the stade of solitude and unformation he had felt before but from a girl's perspective. She is meant to end up with Shinji to become an adult and well formed women just like him have to end up with her to become a men . but why does it not happen, why they don't become a couple? it lead us to the reason you don't understand evangelion.

4: What's evangelion? Evangelion is a Tragedy with teenagers who have to be soldier. The end of the end of evangelion (the movie) reveal us that those two where the heart of the show. but what are those characters. they are teenagers in formation and soldiers-child. The whole problem of the show is that they are this in a tragedy rather than in an epic anime. So it happen like it would happen in a tragedy. their teenager age impede him to fulfill their soldiers mission and their soldiers condition impede them to overcome their teenager problem and become adult. that's why humanity was doomed . And that's why Asuka reject Shinji and he killed her. The masturbation scene is extremely important, Shinji want to have a connexion and sex


Editing post #7714 by fg

Replying to post #7714 by fg





2020/02/16 (Sun) 00:50:14


So, I like Rei. Ano (deliberate misspelling) does not like Rei. Ano has always been an admitted Asukaf...friend. The result of this bias on the part of the creator is that the character I view as being much superior is consistently given the short end of the stick. Rei is not a personality-less, emotionless, or soulless character; all this is made clear in the show. Throughout, she's on a path of literal individuation that cruelly gets cut short near the end of the series. She starts out as an emotionally stunted young girl with an understanding only of her perceived purpose: to sacrifice herself to save all mankind. Gradually, this self-sacrificial sort of platonic love for all the world is implied to become focused on Shinji. During all this, she seeks to create an identity for herself with the help of those she cares about. She wants to be independent, she wants to do what's right, she wants to be human. But of course, Ano can't accept all this and so "reveals" via Lilith/Quantum Rei/whatever that the whole time she never had a "self" and really just wanted to die the whole time. That this ironically undermines the "Hey, maybe I shouldn't be a nihilistic, self-defeating coward!" lesson of Ep. 26 is apparently unimportant. While I'm usually quite adament about giving the creator's own views the utmost importance for determining the "meaning" of a work, for NGE I'm all for "death of the author".

On a related note: in real life it is necessary to be empathetic as possible with those who are suffering. In fiction, characters have to deserve sympathy. That's to say, a character has to show they're trying to do better and aren't just causing they're own suffering. Rei, Fuyutsuki, Toji, and Ryoji are sympathetic. Misato is sympathetic in some ways, and unsympathetic in others. Shinji and Asuka do not deserve sympathy. These two characters not only do nothing to lessen their own suffering, they do nothing to lessen the suffering of others. Yet, which characters does the show most consistently try to get us to sympethize with?

Editing post #7713 by Jacobus

Replying to post #7713 by Jacobus

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2018/12/11 (Tue) 16:09:16


In the original series, she starts of all Ni-Ti and gradually develops her Fe and Se as she interacts with others.

Since she's unable to properly express her emotions, these developments happen "under the surface". I see in her a desire to do what's right first and formost, a desire to be her own person, as well as a desire to be united to Shinji (sx/sp).

She's 1) a fictional character; 2) a young girl in very unusual circumstances. You'll have to look beyond surface aspects and certain inconsistencies to find her "true" personality.

The manga provides a somewhat more clear view of all this.

Editing post #4203 by Jacobus

Replying to post #4203 by Jacobus

22/03/22 23:37GIJOEBusta Cap ISTJ
21/12/30 17:49Reinek IxTx
21/01/04 11:09Helvetica ISTJ
20/07/13 09:38ciinna ISTJ
20/07/16 14:42Thyssen ISTJ
19/09/11 13:13Teru Mikami INTP
19/07/28 10:07Asne ISFJ
19/06/20 17:23tanchique ISFJ
19/03/27 10:13tigertigertiger INFJ
18/12/08 15:03Jacobus INFJ
18/11/08 18:52tch ISTJ
18/07/01 10:21Teenage fantasy ISTJ
18/06/15 04:01EON ISTJ
18/05/17 11:35Khel ISTJ
22/03/22 23:37GIJOEBusta Cap ISTJ
21/01/04 11:09Helvetica ISTJ
20/07/16 14:42Thyssen ISTJ
20/07/13 09:37ciinna ISTJ
19/01/27 21:53tch ISTJ
18/12/19 22:34Jacobus INFJ
18/05/17 12:11fg ISTJ
22/03/22 23:37GIJOEBusta Cap 6w5
21/01/04 11:09Helvetica 6w5
20/10/24 08:45Flower-like 5wb
20/07/13 09:37ciinna 6w5
19/12/29 00:05Thyssen 6w5
19/03/27 10:14tigertigertiger 9w8
18/12/08 15:05Jacobus 5w6
18/05/17 12:12fg 6w5
18/05/17 11:35Khel 6w5
18/05/17 11:00EON 6w5
22/03/22 23:37GIJOEBusta Cap sp/so
21/01/04 11:09Helvetica sp/so
20/10/24 08:49Flower-like sx/sp
20/07/13 09:37ciinna sp/so
20/02/18 18:35pollo sp/sx
18/12/08 15:06Jacobus sx/sp
18/05/17 12:12fg sp/so
21/01/04 11:09Helvetica 614
19/12/29 00:05Thyssen 614
18/12/28 01:45Jacobus 514
22/03/22 23:37GIJOEBusta Cap ILI
21/12/31 13:11gustyd ILI
21/01/04 11:09Helvetica ILI
20/10/11 00:58Flower-like ILI
20/02/18 18:30pollo ESI
20/01/27 01:12Lol ILI
19/12/29 00:05Thyssen ILI
19/09/11 13:12Teru Mikami ILI
19/02/02 11:31ruboline ILI
18/12/11 15:47Jacobus LSI
18/07/01 10:22Teenage fantasy LSI
18/06/29 05:40fg LII
18/05/17 11:35Khel LSI
18/05/17 11:00EON LSI
20/10/11 01:02Flower-like LFEV
20/07/16 14:42Thyssen LVEF
20/02/18 18:36pollo LEFV
19/10/16 22:31Jacobus LVEF
20/09/24 09:36Flower-like HEXACO