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Samwell Tarly

Game of Thrones

in Film and Television

Samwell Tarly ~ Sakinorva Databank

Samwell Tarly

Game of Thrones

6w5 3
9w1 2
6w7 2
9w8 1
sp/so 2
sp/sx 2
sx/sp 1
234 567 891

total votes 34








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Teru Mikami

2019/07/25 (Thu) 17:46:23


also if you mean "racting to their fears" as in "being defiant" you've got it wrong, being part of the reactive triad can just mean you easily voice your complaints all the time and in Sam's case he's probably got more lines apologizing for being useless and incapable than anything else

Editing post #6705 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6705 by Teru Mikami

Teru Mikami

2019/07/25 (Thu) 17:43:14


his actions stem from the fact that he considers himself unable to do anything on his own, his needs are literally reassurance, idk where you get that 6 motivations are fear when they're "having security and support" by definition

Editing post #6704 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6704 by Teru Mikami



2019/07/25 (Thu) 11:07:52


I tought more about u said,

he's clearly unconfident in his ability, but its really his own mind that he doesn't trust or his body ?

yeah he's fearfull, but he's essentially a person who's unphysical and non-violent who's trown into situations where it's required of him to be both, so it makes sense for him to be worried and afraid

I'm not sure his fears are a motivation (6s react to their fears rather than withdraw in their own world) or a result of taking a non-assertive, non-violent ,clumsy person and putting him into a violent dangerous world 

Editing post #6703 by Eon

Replying to post #6703 by Eon

Teru Mikami

2019/07/25 (Thu) 13:59:34


they could be traits of almost every type but made apparent by different motivations

Editing post #6702 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6702 by Teru Mikami



2019/07/25 (Thu) 08:46:15


not trusting your own judgment and needing reasurance can't also be 9 traits ?

Editing post #6701 by Eon

Replying to post #6701 by Eon

Teru Mikami

2019/07/25 (Thu) 10:32:39


anyway peepeepoopoo type 6 bad and everyone who's smart is 5

Editing post #6700 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6700 by Teru Mikami

Teru Mikami

2019/07/25 (Thu) 10:32:17


I am not linking cowardice to 6, I am linking his portrayal of an insecure and dependent person who slowly becomes more self-assured after getting the reassurance he needs to 6. The need to belong to a group or be loyal to a belief is not an actual need of type 6 but a possible manifestation of their struggle with self-confidence and security, as is not trusting your own judgement and feeling like you can't handle things on your own. I'm not some foaming-at-the-mouth forum retard correlating everything negative with "6 sheep" because "we live in a society", I'm saying he has the basic needs and fears of 6 whether he straight up says so or not. Later key portrayals show he doesn't use knowledge to arrive at competence, he uses knowledge to get over his self-doubt and help others. You'll see this pattern of initial insecurity and learned helplessness that's eventually broken down after other people stand up for and support him throughout the whole story. Fives reduce their needs and dislike depending on anyone, they can also struggle with insecurity and confidence but it stems from their own framework of competence and not their fear of abandonment or "being left to fend for themselves", which Sam is morbidly afraid of.

Editing post #6699 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6699 by Teru Mikami



2019/07/25 (Thu) 01:18:51


I guess it comes to the same basic problem of correlating 6 only to negative traits ,like being coward and insecure (Shinji Ikari)

I don't see a particural need to belong to a group or to be loyal to a belief

there are plenty of people in the show more 6is than him

take Jon Snow, he idealized being a member of the Night's Watch, was torn between his loyalty to the Night Watch and to the wildlings, and understood the need to gather everyone against the common enemy 

and despite this positive 6 traits he was typed 9 which makes absolutely no sense for a courageous warrior type

It just shows the bias between the idealized 9 and 6



Editing post #6698 by Eon

Replying to post #6698 by Eon

Teru Mikami

2019/07/24 (Wed) 12:52:13


if you look into the backstory he resorted to books because his library was the only place he wouldn't be tormented for his cowardice, not out of some innate desire to understand everything

Editing post #6693 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6693 by Teru Mikami



2019/07/24 (Wed) 08:18:35


5 and 6 have basically the same fear, they just deal with it differently

Sam retreas into his world searching knowledge about the world in his books

I don't really seem trying to align with a source of authority or group

in fact it's Jon who takes him under his wing and forms a group to protect him

seems like a very agreeable 5 or maybe a nerdy 9


Editing post #6692 by Eon

Replying to post #6692 by Eon



2019/07/24 (Wed) 11:58:10


isn't the fear that they can't deal with the outside world at the basis of 5 tough ?

not sure why this is often used to justify 6 when it's where the 5 need to gather knowledge comes from

Editing post #6690 by Eon

Replying to post #6690 by Eon

Teru Mikami

2019/07/24 (Wed) 11:26:03


he is completely controlled by his insecurities and his own perceived inability to fend for himself

Editing post #6689 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #6689 by Teru Mikami



2019/07/24 (Wed) 09:32:14


Why 6 over 5 ?

Editing post #6688 by Eon

Replying to post #6688 by Eon

19/07/24 09:30Eon INFP
19/06/18 08:30tanchique IxFP
19/06/12 18:37Teru Mikami INTP
18/12/03 07:12jeorge ENFP
18/06/21 08:23Sleeper INTP
18/05/09 02:32Maul INFP
18/05/07 07:28Stephen Hearts INFP
19/06/12 18:37Teru Mikami INTP
18/11/20 22:13Zal INTP
18/05/13 05:58fg INTP
19/07/25 05:22Eon 9w1
19/06/12 18:37Teru Mikami 6w5
19/06/04 07:41typometrics.tumblr 6w5
18/12/03 07:10jeorge 6w7
18/05/13 05:58fg 6w5
18/05/09 02:32Maul 9w8
19/06/12 18:37Teru Mikami sp/sx
19/06/04 07:41typometrics.tumblr sx/sp
18/12/03 07:11jeorge sp/sx
18/05/13 05:59fg sp/so
18/05/09 02:32Maul sp/so
18/12/03 07:10jeorge 469
19/06/12 18:31Teru Mikami ILI
19/06/04 13:28kawaii SEI
20/03/25 12:07Thyssen LEFV