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Mikasa Ackerman

Attack on Titan

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Mikasa Ackerman ~ Sakinorva Databank

Mikasa Ackerman

Attack on Titan

6w5 8
sx/sp 3
sp/sx 2
234 567 891

total votes 36








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2019/01/04 (Fri) 07:56:52


Okay it's been a while but I'm revisiting this discussion.

First of all: It wasn't actually Mikasa who broke Eren's gear, but SHADIS (the former survey corps commander and current cadet corps leader). I totally forgot this detail. So, that entire point is meaningless.

I do think Eren is probably SEE, but I don't think Mikasa was necessarily copying him. Eren was originally the one who inspired her to adopt the survival of the fittest philosophy ("the weak die and the strong survive"), but that philosophy is still very much her own, which she uses as a crutch when Eren "dies". However, this is also not her usual behavior, as pointed out by Armin ("she's not in her usual cool-headed state"). Thus, I doubt she's truly xSI.

Annie and Mikasa are actually very similar personality-wise. I think that may have even been intentional by the author, that they're meant to be sort of parallel to each other in a sense. Both girls feel sort of trapped and swept along by the current of reality, Annie because she is forced to fulfill her duty as a warrior and Mikasa because she lost her family and the only family she has left is Eren and Armin, who are always throwing themselves at death's door. Both are naturally passive characters lacking strong desires of their own who are forced into situations that require them to act.

I don't know if it's ever explicitly stated, but it's at least heavily implied that Mikasa really just wants to live a simple happy life. The only times she's ever really happy are when she's just living life with the people she cares about (her original family, then Eren's family, then Eren and Armin). She didn't even want to be in the military, she argued with Eren for him to just live a normal life, and when he didn't she joined the military too so she could still be with him and protect him. She's always holding onto memories of simpler times, and expressing the desire to "go back to those days" (I think this was her who said this, but pls correct me if I'm wrong cause I'm honestly too lazy to find the exact quote).

Editing post #4523 by *~snow~*

Replying to post #4523 by *~snow~*



1w9 sp/sx


2018/10/14 (Sun) 18:43:38


- "I'd argue she's like that outside of combat too. The way she's always working hard to stay fit, very focused on survival, and hyper-aware of Eren and the things going on around him. She's very practical in the sense that she doesn't ask for much, just the things that bring comfort and stability to her life."

All of that doesn't sound particularly SLI you know, in fact some parts like not asking for much are actually more related to the Gamma quadra because those types don't like to be a burden on anyone.


- "There are times when Mikasa DOES take charge though. Remember that huge rant she goes on after she thought Eren died, about how she's strong and everyone else is weak, and then she goes on a titan killing spree? Or when she threatens that guy who was blocking the exit with his wagon? Or the numerous times she disobeys orders to go after Eren? I really don't think her Se is that bad."

Yeah, that seems Se-valuing and is one of the reasons why ESI is the next likely typing, but if I remember correctly she was trying to copy Eren at that time who is SEE, right? Then followed on to say something about not being strong like him or something?


- "Ni as a leading fuction is all about having a rich imagination and inner world. And while Mikasa may have an inner world, that world is full of comforting thoughts and memories, not visions of the future or complex ideas."

Somewhat. Socionics Ni is more related to sensitivity to the progression of time and unfolding of events. Mikasa often reflects on the past or gets worried by some negative event possibly befalling Eren. Creativity is more of a byproduct of having strong Ne by virtue of being an N type, but ILI doesn't value Ne and is capable of not displaying it at all.


- "Anyone with a working brain could do that, lol. If anything, that scenario shows that she'd go to great lengths to keep Eren out of harms way, so that her idea of comfort - living a simple life with the people she cares about - isn't threatened."

When does she ever say she wants a comfortable life with Eren? All she ever says is that she wants to prevent bad things from happening to him which she thinks is inevitable without her by his side which to me seems Ni if anything.


- "It's a symbol of her bond with Eren which brings comfort to her. Eren essentially is her comfort blanket, that's why she always wants to be by his side and always wears her scarf.
-"My second option for Mikasa would probably be ESI, because like you said, she has quite a lot of Fi too. Sometimes it's hard to tell where the line is between comfort and personal relationships for Mikasa, because for her the two are pretty intertwined."

Tbh, I'm not sure you even know what an SLI looks like. They don't go around stalking people because they're obsessed with the thought of them being harmed without them there. SLI are carefree, laid back and have a live and let die attitude. Annie's quote "I don't care if I'm swept along with the flow" - that's probably as good as any SLI can put it, they're very world-accepting. ILI are world-rejecting, they will periodically worry about needless things and will try to steer people they care about from the "dangerous" events they believe are around the corner waiting to happen - that's Mikasa in a nutshell. She's practically a shy version of Juvia Lockser from Fairy Tail, a character who is never an SLI.

Good character analysis of an actual SLI (Spike Spiegal) -

Editing post #3651 by Resonare

Replying to post #3651 by Resonare


2018/10/14 (Sun) 00:24:54


"She only appears practical and aware of her surroundings (in combat) thanks to her Ackerman genes"

I'd argue she's like that outside of combat too. The way she's always working hard to stay fit, very focused on survival, and hyper-aware of Eren and the things going on around him. She's very practical in the sense that she doesn't ask for much, just the things that bring comfort and stability to her life.

"Sensors, even SLIs who can be prone to laziness, still have good Se. They don't need to be taken by the hand or given orders like Mikasa does. If left to her own devices, Mikasa would just stand in one spot wandering around in her mind or scheming about Eren rather than creating or moving toward some kind of psychological comfort."

There are times when Mikasa DOES take charge though. Remember that huge rant she goes on after she thought Eren died, about how she's strong and everyone else is weak, and then she goes on a titan killing spree? Or when she threatens that guy who was blocking the exit with his wagon? Or the numerous times she disobeys orders to go after Eren? I really don't think her Se is that bad.

"ILI don't actually appear to be particuarly creative"

Ni as a leading fuction is all about having a rich imagination and inner world. And while Mikasa may have an inner world, that world is full of comforting thoughts and memories, not visions of the future or complex ideas.

"In terms of planning and seeing the progression of events, she displays an aptitude for this. For example, when she broke Eren's manauver gear so he would fail the tests and be kicked out of the military."

Anyone with a working brain could do that, lol. If anything, that scenario shows that she'd go to great lengths to keep Eren out of harms way, so that her idea of comfort - living a simple life with the people she cares about - isn't threatened.

"It's a symbol of an interpersonal bond (Fi) not comfort (Si)."

It's a symbol of her bond with Eren which brings comfort to her. Eren essentially is her comfort blanket, that's why she always wants to be by his side and always wears her scarf.

My second option for Mikasa would probably be ESI, because like you said, she has quite a lot of Fi too. Sometimes it's hard to tell where the line is between comfort and personal relationships for Mikasa, because for her the two are pretty intertwined.

Editing post #3640 by *~snow~*

Replying to post #3640 by *~snow~*



1w9 sp/sx


2018/10/13 (Sat) 19:54:07


- "Mikasa is very practical and focused on real world responsibilities/events and her environment."

Not really. She only appears practical and aware of her surroundings (in combat) thanks to her Ackerman genes. Mikasa in day to day life is very inert and seems Se-suggestive, so much so that I type her as the Ni subtype of ILI. Sensors, even SLIs who can be prone to laziness, still have good Se. They don't need to be taken by the hand or given orders like Mikasa does. If left to her own devices, Mikasa would just stand in one spot wandering around in her mind or scheming about Eren rather than creating or moving toward some kind of psychological comfort.


- "She isn't really imaginative at all, but way more comfort-seeking with her desire to live a normal life with those she cares about and keep those people safe at all costs."

ILI don't actually appear to be particuarly creative. In terms of planning and seeing the progression of events, she displays an aptitude for this. For example, when she broke Eren's manauver gear so he would fail the tests and be kicked out of the military. Also, her reason for wanting to stay by Eren's side is quite ILI tbh.

- "Her scarf is also a symbol of comfort which she keeps with her at all times."

It's a symbol of an interpersonal bond (Fi) not comfort (Si). Don't get me wrong, SLI is the 2nd or 3rd type I think she could be but for none of the reasons you mentioned.

Editing post #3638 by Resonare

Replying to post #3638 by Resonare


2018/10/13 (Sat) 15:58:41


I think SLI makes more sense than ILI. Mikasa is very practical and focused on real world responsibilities/events and her environment. She isn't really imaginative at all, but way more comfort-seeking with her desire to live a normal life with those she cares about and keep those people safe at all costs. Her scarf is also a symbol of comfort which she keeps with her at all times.

Editing post #3636 by *~snow~*

Replying to post #3636 by *~snow~*



1w9 sp/sx


2018/10/12 (Fri) 17:26:54


Any arguments against ILI-Ni?

Editing post #3626 by Resonare

Replying to post #3626 by Resonare

23/09/08 03:01rock and roll ISTJ
22/09/08 13:48GIJOEBusta Cap ISTJ
21/05/29 12:55Luna_xxx ISTP
19/07/17 12:10TheMemphis ISTJ
19/01/07 04:36tman ISTJ
18/11/13 20:14tch ISTJ
18/06/20 04:38Teru Mikami ISTJ
18/06/19 02:57*~snow~* ISTJ
23/09/08 03:01rock and roll ISTJ
22/09/08 13:48GIJOEBusta Cap ISTJ
19/01/27 22:10tch ISTJ
19/01/07 04:36tman ISTJ
18/06/20 04:38Teru Mikami ISTJ
18/06/19 02:57*~snow~* ISTJ
23/09/08 03:01rock and roll 6w5
22/09/08 13:48GIJOEBusta Cap 6w5
21/05/29 12:55Luna_xxx 6w5
19/07/17 12:10TheMemphis 6w5
19/01/07 04:36tman 6w5
18/06/20 04:38Teru Mikami 6w5
18/05/18 04:40*~snow~* 6w5
22/09/08 13:48GIJOEBusta Cap sx/sp
21/05/29 12:55Luna_xxx sp/sx
19/10/01 20:00Tman sx/sp
18/06/20 04:38Teru Mikami sp/sx
20/09/21 11:48Tman 631
22/09/08 13:48GIJOEBusta Cap SLI
22/05/26 17:07fleetingpetals1 LSI
21/05/29 12:55Luna_xxx ESI
19/10/01 20:00Tman SLI
18/10/13 15:57*~snow~* SLI
18/10/12 17:27Resonare ILI
22/05/26 17:07fleetingpetals1 FVEL
20/09/21 11:49Tman FVLE