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Taco ~ Sakinorva Databank



9w8 4
3w4 3
8w7 2
6w7 1
5w6 1
8w9 1
4w5 1
sp/sx 8
sp/so 2
so/sp 1
234 567 891

total votes 67








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you'll see


2019/01/26 (Sat) 22:08:46


I've read up more on socionics and LSE fits really nice, so I'm settling on that.

Editing post #4937 by Taco110

Replying to post #4937 by Taco110



you'll see


2019/01/22 (Tue) 06:41:32


I should clarify that MBTI and enneagram aren't remotely related but I was instead making a point about general energy between the 2 wings.

Editing post #4740 by Taco110

Replying to post #4740 by Taco110



you'll see


2019/01/22 (Tue) 06:33:01


Idk what my sociotype is atm.

Editing post #4739 by Taco110

Replying to post #4739 by Taco110



you'll see


2019/01/22 (Tue) 01:15:19


As far as enneagram goes I'm most likely an 8 with balanced wings leaning 8w9.  I should note that I'm down the middle on E/I which probably has an effect of some sort as far as wings go.  Despite being an 8 I've considered 3 as a main type because I have many 3-ish traits and relate to it to some degree, but the enneagram isn't about traits its about motivations and to a lesser extent integration/disintegration.  I relate more with the motivations and integration/disintegration lines of 8 than I do 3.  Lastly, 3 is definitely in my tritype and its likely a fix, which explains the many 3 traits that I have.

Editing post #4738 by Taco110

Replying to post #4738 by Taco110



you'll see


2019/01/22 (Tue) 00:46:09


Obviously those aren't the only things that make up or are associated with Si, but at this point its not likely that I am.

Editing post #4737 by Taco110

Replying to post #4737 by Taco110



you'll see


2019/01/22 (Tue) 00:37:13


There's no way I'm Si-dom lmao.  I hate routine, especially if its forced on to me.  Its boring and if I'm going to do something I don't like feeling confined by a fixed routine and would rather have the freedom to make my own choice as to how to do things, I need to have a choice and an idea as to how to go about doing something.  As long as it gets done I don't really care.  I also don't care so much for details and have a hard time remembering things in general.  

Editing post #4736 by Taco110

Replying to post #4736 by Taco110



you'll see


2019/01/17 (Thu) 21:26:23


I mean yeah, sure.  Semantics aside I'm TJ, that's the point.

Editing post #4675 by Taco110

Replying to post #4675 by Taco110



you'll see


2019/01/17 (Thu) 21:17:44


As do the other TJ types (near equal E/I and N/S), I'm one of those 4 types for sure.  TJ is clearest tho at this point.  

Editing post #4673 by Taco110

Replying to post #4673 by Taco110



you'll see


2019/01/17 (Thu) 21:14:38


ISTJ fits

Editing post #4671 by Taco110

Replying to post #4671 by Taco110

Teru Mikami

2018/12/04 (Tue) 14:11:57


get back on discord tacoman

Editing post #4164 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #4164 by Teru Mikami


2018/08/28 (Tue) 15:39:13


"like not letting others influence him on his decision thats pure Fi to the maximum, go talk to other Fi doms they're like that, they're sticking to their decision no matter what influences them"

Actually, that's really not an Fi exclusive trait.  While Fi-doms certainly can be like that because they value authenticity and staying true to themselves, I'm not sure that's really the reason behind Taco's decisiveness. To me, it just sounds like he has low neuroticism and high assertiveness, and perhaps low Fe if you want to take functions into account. And by letters, I'd say that decisiveness and assertiveness would be most indicative of T and J.

"if anything preference for honesty and being to the point is well developed Fi, its actually a core Fi trait in MBTI terms."

No, that's incorrect. In the distictions of Feeling vs Thinking on the site Teru linked, the following characteristic falls under Thinking: "I believe telling the truth is more important than being tactful". And the following characteristic falls under Feeling: "I am sometimes experienced by others as too idealistic, mushy, or indirect". Feelers in general, under official MBTI criteria, are more people-oriented, harmony-oriented, and tactful over truthful, while Thinkers in general are more logic-oriented, direct, and bluntly truthful. It's not even stereotypes, it's just how the theory is.

Also, in function terms, Ti and Te are most concerned with truth, logic, and being intellectually honest, while Fi is most concerned with following one's heart/values and being emotionally honest. From the brief description Taco gave, he seems to have many more of the traits associated with a thinking preference and Te/Ti than a feeling preference and Fi.

Editing post #3089 by *~snow~*

Replying to post #3089 by *~snow~*




IEI - Fe

2018/08/28 (Tue) 12:40:15


oh shit

Editing post #3085 by fiddlediddle

Replying to post #3085 by fiddlediddle

Teru Mikami

2018/08/28 (Tue) 12:26:55


show me your face

Editing post #3084 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #3084 by Teru Mikami




IEI - Fe

2018/08/28 (Tue) 12:20:07


Leave him be, heavy. Teru is a sensitive boy with a lot of insecurities to defend.

Editing post #3083 by fiddlediddle

Replying to post #3083 by fiddlediddle

Teru Mikami

2018/08/28 (Tue) 11:28:35


lmao the myers-briggs foundation is just an irrelevant tiny website when it comes to mbti sure

Editing post #3082 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #3082 by Teru Mikami

Teru Mikami

2018/08/28 (Tue) 11:27:00


you're not his fucking psychologist how would you even know what goes on in his head based off like 3 comments, point is you're stating blatantly wrong shit, i dont give a fuck if you think he's lying or not

Editing post #3081 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #3081 by Teru Mikami

Teru Mikami

2018/08/28 (Tue) 11:18:33


yeah what a bunch of stupid stereotypes

Editing post #3077 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #3077 by Teru Mikami

Teru Mikami

2018/08/28 (Tue) 11:12:54


"I don't even know him"

"he's lying about his type"


Editing post #3074 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #3074 by Teru Mikami

Teru Mikami

2018/08/28 (Tue) 10:17:39


they do rank highest among heart disease patients though maybe that explains ur secret grudge

Editing post #3070 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #3070 by Teru Mikami

Teru Mikami

2018/08/28 (Tue) 10:16:14


none of these traits spell out one type individually but together they definitely give a "bigger picture", letter-wise bluntness, a preference for honesty and against sugar-coating/being "to the point" and ambivalence towards others' opinions almost entirely eliminates F and if you're going by polled averages ISFP is one of the least assertive, efficient, dominant or goal-oriented types while on the higher side of avoidance of conflict and stress, almost everything he said writes off ISFP as a possibility and his more common STJ typing is a lot more likely

Editing post #3069 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #3069 by Teru Mikami

This comment has been deleted.

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/14 (Sat) 19:28:00


You're guillable if you think that makes someone an 8

Editing post #2131 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #2131 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

This comment has been deleted.

Skippy Munchkin

9w1 sp/sx

2018/07/14 (Sat) 16:56:09


How are people on this webite so retarded??? He's such an obvious ISFP 6w7!

Just look at the profile picture, it symbolizes his love for nature and the wild. So obviously painted as well....


Editing post #2128 by Skippy Munchkin

Replying to post #2128 by Skippy Munchkin




Beta ST

2018/07/10 (Tue) 02:48:20


LSE-Te:"Appearance: The logical subtype seems impersonal, business-like, dry and correct in interaction. May look strict and unapproachable. Not inclined to make jokes, has a serious and constrained demeanor about him. Usually is not very talkative, but if his temper runs hot it's difficult to stop him. Direct and linear in behavior and conversation. Can be sharp and categorical in his judgments, due to which accumulates many problems of ethical nature. At another end of extreme, he may not say anything, but later build up grudges and hard feelings, and avoid interaction. Uncompromising and stubborn. Sometimes tries to predispose his conversation partner towards him by intimate tones in conversation. Does this if he himself is predisposed towards greater intimacy, or if he needs some kind of information or service. Mistrustful, secretive and suspicious. Dislikes talking about feelings. Prefers to engage himself in something useful, and to bring everything he undertakes to its completion. Constantly tense, finds it difficult to relax and discharge. He is predisposed towards sudden flashes of anger. Seems restrained in his movements.

Character: A realist, who possesses clear logical thinking: he is able to assess any situation soberly and quickly. Enjoys order in everything. Easily makes his way through instructions and laws. Respects people who are competent, and himself strives to keep informed about everything. Relays information in form of concise, clear expressions, and demands the same clear and concrete answers from other people. Very pragmatic, evaluates actions of people not only in terms of their honesty and integrity, but also of expediency.

Has good management and organizational talents, but lacks in diplomacy and tact in relationships. Stubborn and inflexible, straightforward and artless, blunt and categorical in his statements. Because of this, he has a lot of ethical issues with other people, and few friends. Usually, he is certain of his own correctness and likes it when others listen to his advice. Finds it difficult to admit his own mistakes and go for concessions and compromises, even if this undermines his relationship with other people.

Capable of clearly assigning responsibilities and strictly and persistently checking upon their implementation. Doesn't go easy on anyone, shows a principled and intransigent attitude in this matter. Does not act on behalf of feelings, both his own and those of others. Constantly monitors the discipline and order. Due to his wish to accomplish more, he is not sufficiently attentive to convenience in the workplace. Negatively judges the lazy and the fantasists, dislikes tricksters and cheats. He is distinguished by a strong sense of duty and an extraordinary capacity for work. Very courageous and hardy. Dislikes talking about health, considering this to be pusillanimity and weakness.

Very punctual. Values time and does not like to waste it in vain. Tries to predict the outcome of a proposed project or course of action. Doesn't trust new ideas, prefers to not take risks in vain. Quite conservative in his tastes and habits. If his work is criticized by incompetent people, he can lose his temper and flare up. Doesn't tolerate when he is being hurried or distracted from work. Sometimes, striving for top quality in his work, and getting bogged down by details, he does not finish his job on time. Gets very upset over this, so tries to plan things in advance.

A good financier, who can rationally handle money. Economic, calculating, and prudent. He likes working with numbers and factual concrete information. Gravitates towards such areas of activity as statistics and planning. Loves stability, reliability, and thoroughness in everything. Prefers quality and practical use of things to their aesthetics and fashion. A good manager of his own household. Quick and adept in domestic matters.

Secretive, doesn't discuss his personal affairs with anyone. By nature sensitive and vulnerable, but prefers experience his grievances in silence. However, under certain moods he prefers to express all that has accumulated. Believes in honest relationships, but poorly understands the feelings of others, thus he is suspicious and cautious in the emotional sphere, and afraid of making mistakes. Avoids voicing compliments and praising others for good work. In his soul, he is sentimental, but tries to hide it. Finds it difficult to express his feelings. Considers excess emotions to be tedious and dislikes flattery. He believes that praises spoil people. His own attitudes he shows not in words but in actions and deeds. With outsiders he is restrained and polite, but with people who are close to him he is demanding and shows authoritativeness. A supporter of a strict upbringing."

Editing post #1991 by fg

Replying to post #1991 by fg

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/06/27 (Wed) 04:17:28


You can't vote for yourself, that's shenanigans

Editing post #1512 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1512 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

the heart marksman


8w9 sx/so


2018/05/16 (Wed) 13:16:35


i wish the edit feature worked, my last comment is so badly written :tragedy:

Editing post #558 by the heart marksman

Replying to post #558 by the heart marksman

the heart marksman


8w9 sx/so


2018/05/16 (Wed) 12:51:18


I genuinely don't have a clear idea on his enneagram, neither do I have a clear one on his mbti but I'm not sure where I see the intuition in him. Sure, he says he's in his head but that's more introversion than anything. I remember himself claiming that he's "bland" and rather unimaginative, he values a down-to-earth, gritty and realistic approach to solving issues, kind of a "whatever works" kind of guy. Besides that, the things he talks about don't seem to be very N, he doesn't seem to expand on topics that he discusses rather go back in forth with the thought he's expressing. I could see him being part of the attachment triad, and most likely type would be 3 from this obviously, in the community, he blends into the group and doesn't seem to have such strong convictions I'd imagine an 8 to have, they are more reminiscent of enneagram 1, remember that toughness isn't a trait of only 8.

Editing post #556 by the heart marksman

Replying to post #556 by the heart marksman




2018/05/14 (Mon) 11:24:55


Based on his IRL description he seems like a textbook ENTJ 8w7, and definitely not a 3w4. 3w4s do care about what others think of them, they are much more diplomatic and act behind the scenes unless someone gets into their way. Taco seems like he just wants to get things done and be in charge, which is very 8. 3w4s only take charge in the matters that concern them the most and relate directly towards their goals, rest everything they're just apathetic about. He said he feels protective towards the underdogs, while a 3w4 himself is an underdog who's out to set his own destiny and is fiercly competitive, and lets fellow underdogs pave their own way. 8s think that they're selfish jerks but their actions convey otherwise that they're much more protective of people close to them. While a 3w4 appears more helpful and diplomatic and they might be too but they always lookout for their interests first and foremost. And lastly, taco said he doesn't hold grudges and think of them as a waste of time. 3w4s are fuelled by grudges coz being wronged is not just about shit happens and move on. They think of being wronged as a defeat and they want to win at any cost, they hate losing.

Compare two TV show characters: Ari Gold from entourage- ENTJ 8w7 and Jack Donaghy from 30 rock- ENTJ 3w4 you'll get the difference. 

Editing post #513 by Doha

Replying to post #513 by Doha



you'll see


2018/05/04 (Fri) 20:00:56


Things about me IRL:

- I'm blunt and like to speak my mind; I like being honest and don’t like to sugarcoat.
- I’m impatient and irritable.
- I love to drink and party and have a good time.
- I'm protective of the people I care about, especially the underdog.
- I may seem to be a bit stern and aloof at first glance, but once you get to know me I can be very goofy and fun-loving.
- I take myself a bit seriously and set high expectations for myself.
- I generally don’t care what other people think.
- I would much rather lead than follow, especially if the other person doesn't know what they're doing.
- I'm more energized by being around others but can easily be by myself.
- I'm a bit self-centered and have been called selfish.
- I don’t like indirectness, when people play games or passive-aggressiveness, I like it when people are upfront and to the point.
- I am quite headstrong.
- I overthink things sometimes.
- I am politically liberal.
- I don’t care as much about how things are done just as long as they get done.
- I hate apathy in people, its the most pointless thing ever. Take a stand.
- I am always analyzing things, whether it be for curiosity’s sake or to improve myself.
- I reject advice from others because only I know best for myself.
- I can be very impulsive and hedonistic about things.
- I don't like being told what to do, I can be pretty defiant.
- I daydream, zone out and think about things a lot.
- I don’t like talking about my feelings; its awkward for me.
- I can be pretty reserved or pretty talkative depending on the situation, there’s really no in between.
- I am big on self-improvement.
- I am determined and almost never give up on things. I see giving up on something, especially a goal to be weak.
- I am naturally sarcastic.
- I don’t like to hold grudges; I find it to be a waste of time and energy.
- I am analytical.
- I like food.
- I have trust issues.
- I am a notorious procrastinator but have gotten better.
- I've been told that I have a bigger heart than I realize, something I question and deny.
- I don’t like to ask for help and would rather do things myself.
- I am very independent.

Editing post #129 by Taco110

Replying to post #129 by Taco110



you'll see


2018/05/03 (Thu) 23:53:42


3w4? Interesting..

Editing post #93 by Taco110

Replying to post #93 by Taco110



you'll see


2018/05/03 (Thu) 16:30:28



Editing post #59 by Taco110

Replying to post #59 by Taco110

19/12/09 04:17Thyssen ISTJ
19/06/28 23:18Teru Mikami ISTP
20/05/26 08:18Diobono ISTJ
19/02/08 23:46LadyX INTJ
18/07/14 04:43Skippy Munchkin ISFP
18/06/28 02:30Sleeper ENTJ
20/02/04 15:07fg IST
18/06/15 06:51switchblades ESTJ
18/06/27 04:16Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys ISTJ
18/05/26 12:29Doha INFP
18/05/05 12:25the heart marksman ISTJ
18/05/03 08:19strawberry crisis ISTJ
20/02/04 15:49Taco110 ISTJ
19/12/09 04:17Thyssen ISTP
19/06/28 23:18Teru Mikami ISTP
19/09/08 17:50Taco110 ISTP
18/07/14 05:44Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys ISTJ
18/05/12 04:33fg ESTJ
18/05/04 08:05Tiger ISTJ
19/10/06 21:16Thyssen 9w8
19/02/08 23:47LadyX 5w6
19/06/28 23:18Teru Mikami 9w8
18/07/14 04:46Skippy Munchkin 6w7
18/06/03 12:40Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys 3w4
18/05/26 12:29Doha 4w5
20/02/04 15:07fg 9w8
19/07/06 11:27Kawaii 8w9
18/05/03 08:16the heart marksman 3w4
20/02/04 15:50Taco110 9w8
18/05/02 06:18Tiger 8w7
19/10/06 21:16Thyssen sp/sx
19/07/06 11:28Kawaii sp/sx
19/06/28 23:18Teru Mikami sp/sx
21/03/09 22:38LadyX sp/sx
18/07/14 04:44Skippy Munchkin so/sp
19/09/08 17:50Taco110 sp/sx
18/05/13 06:58fg sp/so
18/05/03 08:16the heart marksman sp/sx
18/05/02 06:18Tiger sp/sx
19/12/09 04:17Thyssen 935
19/09/17 06:53Teru Mikami 945
19/02/08 23:54LadyX 583
19/01/12 13:27fg 351
19/01/26 21:47Taco110 853
18/09/14 18:59switchblades 385
20/01/28 18:06Tman SLI
19/07/06 11:27Kawaii SLE
19/06/28 23:18Teru Mikami SLI
18/07/14 04:53fg LSE
18/07/14 04:47Skippy Munchkin EII
18/05/16 01:24the heart marksman LSE
18/05/04 09:45SigmaEnigma LSE
19/09/08 17:49Taco110 SLI
20/02/04 15:55Taco110 FLVE