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Guts ~ Sakinorva Databank



8w9 9
9w8 8
sp/sx 8
sx/sp 1
234 567 891

total votes 78








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9w8 sp/sx

2019/05/26 (Sun) 07:15:52



Editing post #6128 by Brainer

Replying to post #6128 by Brainer




IEI - Fe

2018/08/19 (Sun) 14:45:28


It's like I said boys. I'm back.

Editing post #2940 by fiddlediddle

Replying to post #2940 by fiddlediddle

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/08/19 (Sun) 13:59:41


It's because you're all normies so all you watch is normie animes.

Editing post #2939 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #2939 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys




2018/08/19 (Sun) 12:50:32


oh boy what a flashback, guts page at the top yet again

Editing post #2938 by switchblades

Replying to post #2938 by switchblades




IEI - Fe

2018/08/18 (Sat) 18:43:04


Oh for god's sake stop throwing ad hominem attacks at me and read the manga. I don't care that you're hurt that I don't agree with you.


Editing post #2930 by fiddlediddle

Replying to post #2930 by fiddlediddle




Beta ST

2018/08/18 (Sat) 16:52:14


his character never demonstrate Ni-Fe-Ti-Se except in the mind of a self masturbatory , self proclaiming INFJ.

Editing post #2922 by fg

Replying to post #2922 by fg




IEI - Fe

2018/08/18 (Sat) 16:43:09


hat's the point they are nor inf Se except Dooku.

Except if you try to really type them by understanding their motivations and means of action they're INJs. Inferior Se types with more physical fighting styles than another inferior Se type like Dooku. I don't know why you're just hyper focusing on one part of my argument to prove yours (cherry picking is usually a bad argument technique and very intellectually dishonest). 


I'm trying to explain that physicality or lack of physicality has nothing to do with risk - if you're trying to define risk as level of physicality in combat that is. There's benefits and risks to both the more physical two handed and one handed styles and it has to do with what could counter one style of fighting and what could not. Suceptability to types of techniques is what is considered risky - not how much a style requires one to move. One is not necessarilly riskier than the other. It all depends on what fighting style gets adopted by the individual and how their experience with it. Combat is not always an Se thing.


I'm trying to get you away from thinking that Guts' physicality in combat means he doesn't have inferior Se. It doesn't matter. He trained his whole life with two handed swords that inherently requires more physical moves and trained at it long enough to become a master at it. More physicality is not necesssarily a risky thing. It's fuzzy ground and a poor means of typing without radically simplying one's understanding of combat techniques.


you are so illusionate by your fantasm about INJ

I'm trying to prove why Guts in INFJ. You're making the ridiculous claim that inferior Se types will always choose physically conservative combat styles "out of less risk" therefore he isn't an INFJ - despite the fact his motivations and tendencies as a character do demonstrate Ni-Fe-Ti-Se. Then I'm saying that physicality associated with a certain fighting style is irrelevant to whether Se exists at all. I don't know you're making a case if argument ad reductio so I'm trying to do what I can.

Editing post #2921 by fiddlediddle

Replying to post #2921 by fiddlediddle




IEI - Fe

2018/08/18 (Sat) 15:57:46


Wow. I don't know what to say anymore.

You don't have to say anything. There is nothing for you say. Say nothing if you will. If you will, say nothing. Say nothing, you will.


What are you even talking about?

What are you talking about?


Editing post #2916 by fiddlediddle

Replying to post #2916 by fiddlediddle




Beta ST

2018/08/18 (Sat) 15:53:11


but we all know that you will never accept the truth because you are so illusionate by your fantasm about INJ

Editing post #2915 by fg

Replying to post #2915 by fg




Beta ST

2018/08/18 (Sat) 15:51:32


"INTJ Dooku takes a conservative (this doesn't always mean lack of risk) and efficient style of a rapier fencer because of his inferior Se if you will. Then how do inferior Se Yoda, Obi Wan, and Palpatine still stick to their very physical fighting styles? It's fuzzy ground." that's the point they are nor inf Se except Dooku. dooku make little risky moove in his fighting style while all of them (with batman) are ultra risk taker in comparison .

Editing post #2914 by fg

Replying to post #2914 by fg

Teru Mikami

2018/08/18 (Sat) 15:42:55


Sheesh. Wow. I don't know what to say anymore. What are you even talking about? Wdym I'm moving away from everything function-related and use minuscule irrelevant details as proof? How do you dare tell me that it's not everybody else who's misinformed but it's actually me with (get this) constructive arguments?? Yeah I'm not replying to that. Oh baby you don't know what you're talking about. Learn to debate, ugh. Evidence? Criteria? Sources? You can't be this stupid. That's not how we do things in the MBTI community. Go ahead and educate yourself sweetie, you're just angry because I'm right and you're wrong :) 

Editing post #2913 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #2913 by Teru Mikami




IEI - Fe

2018/08/18 (Sat) 15:36:50


"Yoda is INTP, Batman ISTJ, palpatine ENTJ"

lol no Yoda's INFJ. I think we've gone over this. Batman's an INTJ (they'll always say Batman can defeat anyone given enough prep time). Palpatine's also an INTJ gives how he likes to play the shadowy puppet master archetype and had Order 66 planned in mind long before he became a senate. ENTJs can do it as well but I think they're going to be much more willing to take the centre stage - granted I haven't actually looked this deep into Palpatine.


physical inf Se fighter take very little risk in their fighting skill (like doku).

It's difficult to define "risk" in fighting styles. Combat in general is a pretty on the moment back and forth, risk and reward scenario. There's no way to avoid a good deal of risk without really planning ahead. Dooku is essentially a rapier fencer and you could argue rapier fencing is riskier than the tradtional two handed long sword light saber techniques of say Obi Wan, Palpatine, Anakin or anyone else as it's easier to maintain control and absorb attacks. Or you could say it's safer because lightsabers are all cutting blow torches that mitigates the need for excessive physical force for cuts so a rapier style of fighting is the most efficient form of fighting. It's like I've said fighting styles are a really fuzzy ground for typing unless you really try to analyze what they're trying to do and how that could lead back to a certain type - even that is pretty diffcult to do.


INTJ Dooku takes a conservative (this doesn't always mean lack of risk) and efficient style of a rapier fencer because of his inferior Se if you will. Then how do inferior Se Yoda, Obi Wan, and Palpatine still stick to their very physical fighting styles? It's fuzzy ground.

Editing post #2912 by fiddlediddle

Replying to post #2912 by fiddlediddle




IEI - Fe

2018/08/18 (Sat) 14:51:15


Fi>Fe because he has poor social skills, tied "overreacting" to a lack of Fe

Ignored a good gist of how I tried to explain the origins of Izuku's heroic ethics and how it resembles the function of Fi.

but ok


"INFJ should be focused on certain thoughts in order to pass as one and that guts has to be "channeling into his STP shadow"



how shadows in functions work

Guts and his shadow archetype. Given how the Beast of Darkness (Gut's shadow archetype manifested) plays on his sense of nihilism and taste for blood it's probably some sort of STP. I hope you don't take this too literally so it goes over your head (but it's going to isn't it?).



exactly and how someone's preferences suddenly change when they get edgy enough to make them an entirely different type)


I don't even know what you're talking about anymore Teru.


I'm sure all of that was just a huge mistake and you've always assumed that functions =/= skill or ability

Now you're really not making any sense. How about not ever talking about anything outside of letter MBTI or ennegram. You'l at least sound sensible then.


 hence your condescension towards any type that's not INFJ

Stop projecting your asshurt onto me. Sheesh.


you're completely in your right to say that nobody knows what they're talking about except you (hence why after I explained you're wrong you went ad hominem and ignored what I said)

That's right Teru. You don't really know anything. You don't even understand the basics of cognitive functions which is why you're constantly tripping over basic descriptions of types and keep on asking me banal questions over and over again (just for the sake of trying to piss me off). You'll even make a big deal out of the "invalidity of functions" (of which I don't necessarily disagree with) despite the fact sakinorva not only supports cognitive MBTI but also socionics which is an even more advanced system of Jungian functions. I don't know what you're doing here or why you're here in the first place. But I don't care. If you're not going to debate productively I'm just going to keep shitting all over everything you do. Grow up.

Editing post #2910 by fiddlediddle

Replying to post #2910 by fiddlediddle




Beta ST

2018/08/18 (Sat) 13:38:14


not every physical fighter are Se but there is rarely inf Se physical fighter, physical inf Se fighter take very little risk in their fighting skill (like doku). Yoda is INTP, Batman ISTJ, palpatine ENTJ

Editing post #2909 by fg

Replying to post #2909 by fg

Teru Mikami

2018/08/18 (Sat) 13:27:46


yesterday you implied midoriya was Fi>Fe because he has poor social skills, tied "overreacting" to a lack of Fe, said mumbling = Ne, keeping notebooks = Si and not planning his life in detail = not Ni and just now you said an INFJ should be focused on certain thoughts in order to pass as one and that guts has to be "channeling into his STP shadow" to justify his low Se (nice save btw now please explain how shadows in functions work exactly and how someone's preferences suddenly change when they get edgy enough to make them an entirely different type) I'm sure all of that was just a huge mistake and you've always assumed that functions =/= skill or ability (hence your condescension towards any type that's not INFJ) and that you're completely in your right to say that nobody knows what they're talking about except you (hence why after I explained you're wrong you went ad hominem and ignored what I said)

Editing post #2908 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #2908 by Teru Mikami




IEI - Fe

2018/08/18 (Sat) 12:41:16


oh you kids

Editing post #2907 by fiddlediddle

Replying to post #2907 by fiddlediddle




IEI - Fe

2018/08/18 (Sat) 12:40:42


I literally just had Teru question me about why I believe certain skills are more likely to be preferred by certain type stacks than others and now I have fg telling me Guts can't be inferior Se because he is "too good at swordplay" - and Teru, I'm willing to bet, didn't bat a fucking eye.

Here's an argument. Batman is not an INTJ because "he's too good at martial arts." Master Yoda is an ISTP because he "has a very physical style of light saber combat." Palpatine is an ESTP because "he's a douche, and is also very skilled at light saber combat."

Combat prowess does no necessarily indicate Se nor does it indicate where Se could be in a stack. You could try to attribute curtains of fighting styles with certain types but even then it might be a bit blurry.

Generally put, the position of Se in a stack suggests the preference of one types willingness to engage in the external sensory world. An INFJ, compared to an ISTP or ESTP, is far less likely to be willing to engage is the external sensory world. In terms of combat prowess, say in an equal circumstance where there is no external pressure to develop "Se skills" an ISTP or ESTP are more likely to pick up and develop their combat prowess before that of an INFJ. It's preference and likely outcomes of said preferences and understanding how certain circumstantial demands that might affect said outcomes.

Guts having inferior Se wouldn't necessarily mean he would be shitty at swordplay - especially not if given proper training which is what he had to go through all of his early life. That's why Guts is such a skilled warrior. Other than that he never truly embraces Se say like ESTP Corkus. Guts, in normal states, is always inwardly turned and contemplates the meaning of his existence and his relation to others - like an Ni-Fe user should

Editing post #2906 by fiddlediddle

Replying to post #2906 by fiddlediddle

Teru Mikami

2018/08/18 (Sat) 12:40:03


i never said anime isn't art 

Editing post #2905 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #2905 by Teru Mikami




Beta ST

2018/08/18 (Sat) 12:32:49


i did say "anime are art and deserve respect"not anime are art so they deserve respect.

Editing post #2904 by fg

Replying to post #2904 by fg

Teru Mikami

2018/08/18 (Sat) 12:16:59


a grown up person would perceive that art is also drawing dicks on a canvas, respect my genitals or you're immature

Editing post #2903 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #2903 by Teru Mikami




Beta ST

2018/08/18 (Sat) 11:55:27


a grow up person would percieve that anime are art and deserve respect. It don't deserve to be called "a fucking anime". + Berserk is a manga before an anime.

Editing post #2902 by fg

Replying to post #2902 by fg

Teru Mikami

2018/08/18 (Sat) 11:18:58


you're right though I'll grow up and start arguments about who knows more about a fucking anime

Editing post #2901 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #2901 by Teru Mikami

Teru Mikami

2018/08/18 (Sat) 11:16:59


the "irrelevant questions" aren't very irrelevant when they all apply to you now are they

Editing post #2900 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #2900 by Teru Mikami




Beta ST

2018/08/18 (Sat) 10:57:25


if we go by function INFJ suck at Se it's their inferior function. Guts is not especially Ni and is too good at Se so INFJ is impossible. people who use function like you are the reason why some people avoid the complexity of cognitive function in saying "function magic".

Editing post #2899 by fg

Replying to post #2899 by fg




IEI - Fe

2018/08/18 (Sat) 10:44:50


Hey, Teru, I know I shit all over your frail little ego a while back but why don't you actually ask me relevant questions instead of asking me pointless things that you never intentend go into depth with me anyways. Get off your hate boner and act like an adult.


"GUTS IS ISTP" lol grow up (read the manga pleb)

Editing post #2898 by fiddlediddle

Replying to post #2898 by fiddlediddle

Teru Mikami

2018/08/18 (Sat) 10:13:02


"errors in understanding functions" oh you mean as in attributing skills and stereotypes to inner preferences? Or butchering Jung's theories that have never been translated into current functions by any sort of credible source and baselessly merging parts of different systems that have little relation outside of their origin? Or entirely misunderstanding the way sensing was initially described? Or thinking MBTI and functions are entirely tied together? yeah fuck those ppl right

Editing post #2896 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #2896 by Teru Mikami




IEI - Fe

2018/08/18 (Sat) 09:57:24


It might sound ridiculous because it goes against any typings commonly made of him but it's really the only way to make sense of Guts character as a whole. His intentions, his tendencies, the way he grew up, and what he believes in and had believed in. Dysfunctional INFJ is really the best way to type Guts. I never denied he had an SP persona but he's not an SP character if you take him as a whole.

Pretty much anyone who tried to argue at length that he's an ISTP/ISFP made errors in understanding functions or made glaring misinterpretations of Berserk lore and Guts' character.

Editing post #2895 by fiddlediddle

Replying to post #2895 by fiddlediddle




Beta ST

2018/08/18 (Sat) 09:37:27


doodlepool this vote was ridiculous in MBTI base, it's still now.

Editing post #2894 by fg

Replying to post #2894 by fg




IEI - Fe

2018/08/17 (Fri) 20:58:51


Dysfunctional INFJ channeling STP shadow.

Editing post #2884 by fiddlediddle

Replying to post #2884 by fiddlediddle




IEI - Fe

2018/08/17 (Fri) 18:31:09


hey boys im back

Editing post #2875 by fiddlediddle

Replying to post #2875 by fiddlediddle

22/09/10 10:29rock and roll ISTP
22/09/10 10:28GIJOEBusta Cap ISTP
21/09/19 19:53Reinek ISTP
20/11/26 22:09JohnN64 ISTP
20/11/26 02:31Retroman ISTP
20/11/25 05:36Anderson20 ISTP
20/02/01 21:25Jacobus ISTP
19/09/08 19:02Lol ISTP
19/06/18 08:18tanchique ISTP
20/07/17 16:16Tman ISTP
18/12/07 11:21SirCanSir ISTP
18/12/06 23:57Taco110 ISTP
18/11/13 20:09tch ISTP
18/11/11 10:45twinpinks ISTP
18/08/23 13:51harbinger ISTP
18/08/18 02:41kawaii ISTP
18/08/17 21:56Teru Mikami ISTP
18/08/17 17:57fiddlediddle INFJ
18/08/16 21:59Orpheus12 ISFP
18/07/08 08:06Nyx ISTP
18/07/08 08:44switchblades ISTP
18/05/03 08:53the heart marksman ISTP
22/09/10 10:29rock and roll ISTP
22/09/10 10:28GIJOEBusta Cap ISTP
21/05/13 22:16Lol ISFP
20/12/01 15:48Anderson20 ISTP
21/05/31 10:56Tman ISFP
18/12/07 00:01Taco110 ISFP
18/12/06 18:24tch ISFP
18/08/18 02:41kawaii ISFP
18/08/17 21:56Teru Mikami ISFP
18/08/17 18:30fiddlediddle INFJ
18/07/08 08:06Nyx ISFP
18/07/08 08:44switchblades ISFP
18/07/06 12:55fg ISFP
18/06/17 07:38Khel ISTP
22/09/10 10:29rock and roll 9w8
22/09/10 10:28GIJOEBusta Cap 9w8
20/11/26 22:09JohnN64 9w8
20/11/26 02:31Retroman 9w8
20/11/25 05:34Anderson20 9w8
20/02/01 21:25Jacobus 8w9
20/01/15 15:34Lol 8w9
19/02/25 18:18tman 8w9
18/12/07 11:22SirCanSir 8w9
18/12/06 23:58Taco110 8w9
18/08/23 19:24fiddlediddle 9w8
18/08/23 13:50harbinger 9w8
18/08/08 17:33wecanbeliketheyare 8w9
18/07/08 08:45switchblades 8w9
18/06/17 07:38Khel 8w9
18/05/03 08:53the heart marksman 8w9
22/09/10 10:29rock and roll sp/sx
22/09/10 10:28GIJOEBusta Cap sp/sx
20/11/26 22:09JohnN64 sx/sp
20/11/25 05:34Anderson20 sp/sx
20/02/04 21:33Lol sp/sx
19/01/17 03:05tman sp/sx
18/06/17 07:38Khel sp/sx
18/05/03 08:54the heart marksman sp/sx
20/02/04 21:33Lol 864
19/02/25 18:18tman 864
18/12/07 00:04Taco110 864
18/09/13 08:50switchblades 864
22/09/10 10:29rock and roll SLE
22/09/10 10:28GIJOEBusta Cap SLE
21/05/31 10:56Tman SLI
21/05/13 22:16Lol SLE
20/08/02 18:37Sociotyper ESI
20/07/17 12:39Jacobus SLE
18/08/18 19:28switchblades LSI
18/07/09 06:02fg SLE
20/04/05 00:56Jacobus FVEL
20/07/17 16:17Tman FVEL