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Billie Eilish


in Music and Performing Arts

Billie Eilish ~ Sakinorva Databank

Billie Eilish


4w3 12
9w8 4
4w5 1
1w9 1
sx/sp 11
sx/so 2
so/sx 1
234 567 891

total votes 74








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4w5 459 sp/sx


2020/10/23 (Fri) 10:56:39


on a superficial level she seems EIE to me, seems to be someone who fights for change and seems to use a lot of Beta Fe in her image and aesthetic

Editing post #8512 by spaceynyc

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9w8 sp/sx

2019/09/02 (Mon) 09:05:20


justhannahsis I borrow your comments, ok ? Sorry for another site I'll say it's from you

Editing post #7041 by Brainer

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9w8 sp/sx

2019/08/25 (Sun) 12:05:11


Even by letters she's not an N. Those ENFP votes are lol

Editing post #7009 by Brainer

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2019/07/23 (Tue) 18:50:26


Another thing I want to add is that in the NME interview (of when the party's over) she said, "I love pain, always loved pain", "I love being uncomfortable". And then she goes on to explain how she directed the video of When The Party's Over saying, "I've always known exactly how I want it to look like". Something not very 9ish. In this interview, she also expresses herself in a very dramatic way, frequently talking in absolutes.

Editing post #6682 by justhannahsis

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2019/07/23 (Tue) 13:32:20



She's clearly more of a 4 than a 9. If you see her interview from Complex, she kept stating that she likes things that people hate, things that are "ugly" or that most people consider ugly. In my opinion, she is an unhealthy Four because in another interview, she talked about how the reason that she made that music video with spiders crawling out of her mouth was to get a certain reaction from people, she likes to kind of disturb people. As a fellow Four, it's pretty easy for me to identify another Four so when I saw that music video I knew almost immediately what she was trying to achieve with that or what she was trying to get at. We are also pretty emotionally honest, and she is definitely one of the most emotionally honest people I've ever seen. Just watch her video on Genius - "idontwannabeyouanymore", it's incredible! The second the video starts she's already self-revealing, talking about how she feels about herself. She also- and I mean this with the most respect- is pretty dramatic and she constantly talks in extremes, something 9s don't usually do, like, at all, stuff like "always, I really love, I really hate". I know a lot of 9s in my life and they are almost always neutral and lowkey when they share their opinions about things (maybe it's cause of their wing or health level but still). 4s andd 9s are so different. She is definitely not a 9, it could be in her tritype though, maybe her second type. Another thing I want to add is that.. she's super attuned to her feelings, she's very focused on emotions, and you can tell she feels them intensely, she also likes saying things that kind of shock people, and I don't think 9s really like that. She's also very direct and the 9s I know, in my life, aren't. I only know one friend that is very direct and it seems that it's because he has a strong 8 wing and is healthy. You can tell that Billie isn't very healthy. Also, if you go to minute 5:21 in the Genius - idontwannabeyouanymore video, you can see that she talks about feeling more flawed and broken than everyone else around her, and how all the people around her seem "perfect". She feels like she's lacking something. That's how she described her "was I made from a broken mold?" line. Also, in a most recent interview, she mentioned how she doesn't want to be famous for no reason, or be recognized for no reason, she wants to be recognized for something that she does. "I want to be known for something that's actually impactful and special", "I always wanted to be known for something real and something that was who I was". Guys, she is such a four!! I'm a four and I see a lot of myself in her. Also, just because she likes to appear calm doesn't mean she's a 9, I also like to appear calm for fear of scaring people away if I show my feelings too much or making others uncomfortable, but that doesn't mean I'm a 9. Remember guys, the Enneagram is about what motivates what you do and what is the focus, we can have many beliefs that coincide with other types, but it's about our main focus in life, and how we are wired to be.

Just a disclaimer (lol): This is me only seeing her in interviews, so I know I don't know her fully, this is just my perception. 

Editing post #6681 by justhannahsis

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Teru Mikami

2019/06/02 (Sun) 13:08:04


"You won't see me movin' to some African jungle anytime soon, or some goddamn desert somewhere sittin' on a carpet with a bunch of Arabs, no sir!"

"You won't see me stop eatin' no ribs either! Gotta have them ribs, and pussy too" - Barack Obama

Editing post #6246 by Teru Mikami

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4w5 (459) sp/sx


2019/06/02 (Sun) 12:59:07


Most she talks about is personal or about people and her attention is often directed towards her feelings about things and inner resources. Look at her taste too. Se loves physical enjoyment, food, quality clothing; paired with dom-Fi creates a strong sense for aesthetic. Her dominant temperament is quite introverted, dom-Ne seems like a stretch.

Editing post #6245 by typometrics.tumblr

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Teru Mikami

2019/06/02 (Sun) 12:23:32


"cock" - Billie Eilish

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4w5 (459) sp/sx


2019/06/02 (Sun) 12:18:08



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4w5 (459) sp/sx


2019/06/02 (Sun) 12:18:01


Watched many interviews. Type 9w8 is most obvious to me, everyone voting 4 likely think cause she says she's depressed and sad must be 4. Comparison to Linkin Park's Chester Bennington would be a good way to interpret this. Here are some quotes which I found resourceful for my typing of ISFP, 9w8, sx/sp, 946. Although, of course, there's much to consider here to avoid just cherry-picking.

“I don’t really get nervous that much, or if I do, only I know. It’s all inside me. I’m good at hiding everything.”

“If I want something, it’s going to happen.”

“I try as hard as I can to not be anything more than anyone. I talk about this all the time. We’re all equal.”

“I’m always mad at some shit. Incompetence. People being dumb. Me being dumb mainly. I get mad at myself a lot. I’m really hard on myself but I also love myself but I hate myself but that’s not important.”

“People are their own worst enemy, ya know. And I’m my own worst enemy.”

“The fact that we’re all going to die and no one will remember us after a certain point makes me feel so good… It means you don’t have to worry that much.”

“When I write, I try to become different characters.”

Editing post #6242 by typometrics.tumblr

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Teru Mikami

2019/06/02 (Sun) 10:40:09


everyone voting S and 9 cause shes a tomboy gotta watch an interview

Editing post #6239 by Teru Mikami

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21/10/21 00:42LadyX ISFP
20/06/06 13:13Flower-like ESFP
21/11/26 10:16fleetingpetals1 ENFP
20/03/08 22:15Thyssen ISTJ
19/10/25 04:37Diobono ENFP
19/10/23 14:13bibliology ISTP
19/08/25 12:03Brainer ESFP
19/07/19 23:21tch ISFP
20/06/18 13:08Tman IFP
19/05/04 02:35Taco110 ISFP
19/07/19 23:35LVNA ENxP
18/10/08 08:31forestgump ISFP
18/09/30 19:09Teru Mikami ENFP
21/11/26 10:16fleetingpetals1 ISFP
20/03/30 21:17overactivegoat ISFP
19/10/25 04:37Diobono ISFP
19/10/23 14:13bibliology ISTP
19/08/25 12:33Tman ISFP
19/08/25 12:03Brainer ISFP
19/07/19 23:21tch ISFP
19/06/02 10:43Teru Mikami ENFP
19/05/04 02:35Taco110 ISFP
19/07/19 23:34LVNA ENFP
21/11/26 10:16fleetingpetals1 9w8
21/10/21 00:42LadyX 9w8
20/06/10 10:05sudeozcan 4w5
20/03/30 21:17overactivegoat 4w3
19/12/24 13:10Thyssen 4w3
19/11/22 15:52DJ 4w3
19/10/23 14:13bibliology 4w3
19/08/25 12:03Brainer 4w3
19/07/23 12:24justhannahsis 4w3
19/07/19 20:45tman 4w3
19/06/03 15:12Taco110 4w3
19/03/14 11:40zethmal 9w8
19/03/09 02:43bioomer 9w8
18/10/08 08:31forestgump 1w9
18/09/30 19:09Teru Mikami 4w3
21/11/26 10:16fleetingpetals1 sx/sp
21/10/21 00:42LadyX so/sx
20/06/10 10:58sudeozcan sx/so
19/12/24 13:10Thyssen sx/sp
19/11/22 15:52DJ sx/sp
19/10/23 14:13bibliology sx/sp
19/08/25 12:03Brainer sx/sp
19/12/24 13:50Tman sx/sp
19/06/01 10:37typometrics.tumblr sx/sp
19/05/04 02:35Taco110 sx/sp
19/03/14 11:40zethmal sx/sp
18/09/30 19:09Teru Mikami sx/sp
21/10/21 00:42LadyX 964
20/06/18 13:07Tman 496
20/03/30 21:17overactivegoat 496
19/12/24 13:10Thyssen 479
19/10/23 14:13bibliology 479
19/08/25 12:03Brainer 497
19/07/19 23:34LVNA 479
21/11/26 10:16fleetingpetals1 ESI
20/06/06 13:05Flower-like SEE
19/12/24 13:10Thyssen IEE
19/11/27 01:46fleetingpetals ILE
19/11/22 15:51DJ IEE
19/08/09 16:05Phantom ILE
19/06/03 15:12Taco110 IEE
19/06/02 10:40Teru Mikami IEE
19/11/23 15:48LVNA IEI
21/11/26 10:16fleetingpetals1 EFVL
19/10/23 18:44Tman EFLV