Could not connect: User 'u141899856_12' has exceeded the 'max_connections_per_hour' resource (current value: 500)

If you see this error, please try refreshing the page. If it has anything to do with "max_connections_per_hour," don't assume it'll be back up in an hour (it's usually less than that since I got a session running here about two minutes after I received the error).

This particular error, along with a "max_user_connections" error you may see, is one of the limitations of the SQL database host I'm using, and I'm looking into increasing the limit. I may have to transfer webhosts or find a dedicated SQL database host at a reasonable price where they haven't fixed the "max_user_connections" or "max_connections_per_hour" values.

If you'd like to help support this database, please consider donating (see more here: to help out. But regardless, thank you very much for using my website! I greatly appreciate even just your presence here, and I hope that this website has, in some way, been of use to you.

Best regards!

edit: I'm now tracking all instances for when the connection fails.
You can view these instances below:

(encoded session username, encoded user ID, date)