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Type Six

Enneagram types

in Most Likelies

Type Six ~ Sakinorva Databank

Type Six

Enneagram types

6wb 3
6w5 1
sp/so 2
so/sx 1
so/sp 1
234 567 891

total votes 27








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Beta ST

2020/02/18 (Tue) 09:07:13


"The Social Six is also a bit of a legalistic character; they have the mid of a lawgiver, and they like clear categories. Culturally, the Germans provide a good example of this archetype in that they like precision, order, and efficiency. Social Sixes have a strong sense of duty, they idealize authority, and they display a generalized dutifulness-an obedience to law, a devotion to fulfilling responsibilities as defined by external authority, a tendency to follow rules and to value documents and institutions, and a kind of rigidity and organization.

Social Sixes both fear making a mistake and long for certainties: a person with the subtype "wants to be talked to in a certain manner so that he or she may feel that the speaker knows, the speaker is right." They have a highly intellectual orientation, and their patterns of thinking can take the form of diagrams and flowcharts." this seem more LSI legalistic over moralisitc raather than ESI. "order" focus is also white logic oriented + Ne vulnerable. "highly intellectual is also LSI>ESI.

Editing post #7723 by fg

Replying to post #7723 by fg

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Beta ST

2020/02/17 (Mon) 03:17:44


I don' see how ESI would be particulary common in w7 since this type is Ne vulnerable. the first affirmation does not make sense. "but it also fits the description better." only  from sp 6 description only 6 so and 6 sx description fit more to LSI. "moreso aligns with the archetypical 6 rather than an ideology-oriented ruler who tries to correct incongruences in others(that’s more 1-ish)."  an ideology is a system and a value of a superstructure (white logic and 6 combination) as well as principles and a certain view on morality (white logic , white ethic and 1).

"Social Sixes (according to Beatrice Chestnut)

The Social Six - "Duty"

Lacking either trust in themselves (like the Sexual Six) or other people (like the Self-Preservation Six), Social Sixes deal with the passion of fear and its related anxiety by relying on abstract reason or a specific ideology as an impersonal frame of reference. They find safety by relying on authorities, or on the "authority of reason, rules, and rational thinking.

The name given to this type by Ichazo is "Duty," which doesn't mean they "do their duty" (though they often do) as much as it means that they focus on "what their duty is." In coping with anxiety, the Social Six consults the guidelines associated with whatever authority they adhere to. They focus on knowing what the benchmark is and on obeying the rules of the game. They feel a need to know all the points of reference-what the party line is, who the good guys are, and who the bad guys are.

Consciously or unconsciously, Social Sixes fear the disapproval of authorities and believe the way to be safe is to do the right thing as determined by an authority. And knowing what the right thing is means having clear rules that tell you how you should think and act. This orientation has the effect of developing the philosophical mind, because when you don't know how you should live-when you don't trust your intuition or your human sense of life to guide you-you have to become very intellectual. But this sense of duty also becomes a way to structure your life: someone gives you the rules, and you follow them.

Archetypally, the guidelines of whatever system a Social Six follows become a kind of replacement authority for the first authority-the parent, usually the father. While they may have rebelled against or been disappointed by their actual father, they look for a good authority in life as a way of finding security. Total submission and obedience to authority (and the rules associated with authority) helps them feel safe in the world. Naranjo points out, however, that choosing the wrong authority can be a problem for Social Sixes. "Instead of believing in the person who is right, they tend to believe in people who speak as if they were right, and who have the special gift of making themselves believed."

The Social Six typically represents a mixture of phobic and counterphobic expressions. This Six is a cooler character that the Self-Preservation Six. They find safety in being precise about how one should conduct oneself. They have a lot of anticipatory anxiety-they believe that everything will go wrong, so they rely on precision in following the rules as a way of coping with their anxiety. They feel most secure when they have clear minds and when things are in clear categories. Social Sixes are good Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, dedicated to adhering to the group code and to a competent way of doing things based on that code.

The Social Six is a stronger character that the Self-Preservation Six, and this greater strength has to do with having more certainty than uncertainty. The Self-Preservation Six is an insecure person-they hesitate because they are not sure. The Social Six is someone who, in defense against the insecurity associated with not being sure, becomes too sure. They can-in the extreme-become "true believers" or fanatics. In the counterphobic Sexual Six, fear is turned into its opposite when the person adopts a stance of strength, but in the Social Six, "it is not fear that is turned into an opposite, but doubting."

The Social Six can also be very idealistic, structuring life through the adherence to high ideals. This is a character who holds tight to ideologies and a particular view of things as a way of feeling safe.

In contrast to the Self-Preservation Six, who gets stuck in ambivalence and can't make decisions, Social Sixes have an intolerance of ambiguity. They fear ambivalence and have little tolerance of uncertainty, because to them, uncertainty equals anxiety. As a result, they have a love of precision and see things more in terms of black and white than gray.

The Social Six is also a bit of a legalistic character; they have the mid of a lawgiver, and they like clear categories. Culturally, the Germans provide a good example of this archetype in that they like precision, order, and efficiency. Social Sixes have a strong sense of duty, they idealize authority, and they display a generalized dutifulness-an obedience to law, a devotion to fulfilling responsibilities as defined by external authority, a tendency to follow rules and to value documents and institutions, and a kind of rigidity and organization.

Social Sixes both fear making a mistake and long for certainties: a person with the subtype "wants to be talked to in a certain manner so that he or she may feel that the speaker knows, the speaker is right." They have a highly intellectual orientation, and their patterns of thinking can take the form of diagrams and flowcharts.

These Sixes are not very spontaneous; they live a more scripted life. As a result of being so much in their heads, they don't have very much contact with the instincts or their intuition. They tend to be shy and have little ability to socialize or to be moved or touched by something or someone. They may feel uncomfortable with experience related to unrestricted animal instincts or sexuality.

Social Sixes can tend to be controlling, impatient, judgmental, and self-critical. They demand a lot of themselves, and may insist on everything being done according to their codes and viewpoints. Others may perceive Social Sixes as cold or cool, as they can be very formal in the things they do.

Individuals with this subtype can have many characteristics in common with Type Ones, especially Self-Preservation Ones. Like Ones, they follow rules and tend to be controlled, critical, hardworking, punctual, precise, and responsible. However, while Ones are guided in a confident way by a sense of their own internal standards, Sixes' fear of making a mistake has more to do with getting in trouble with an external authority.

The love of precision and the efficiency of this Social Six subtype can also make them resemble Type Threes; however, the main motivation of this Six is to avoid anxiety by finding a sense of authority in reference points, not to accomplish goals and look good through efficiency."

"Self-Preservation Sixes (according to Beatrice Chestnut)

The Self-Preservation Six - "Warmth"

In the Self-Preservation Six personality, fear manifests as insecurity. Self-Preservation Sixes have a fear related to survival-a fear of not being protected that fuels a driving need for protection through friendship and other kinds of alliances with others. This is the most phobic of the three Six subtypes; this is the Six subtype who feels fear the most.

Perceiving the world as dangerous, Self-Preservation Sixes seek friendly connections and alliances, and to do this they endeavor to be friendly, trustworthy, and supportive-as good allies are supposed to be. As Naranjo clarifies, "not trusting themselves enough, they feel alone and incapable without outside support." Self-Preservation Sixes want to feel the embrace of the family, to be in a warm, protected place where there are no enemies. They search for an "idealized other" for protection, and they can have issues that look like separation anxiety. Like a child who needs to hold on to the mother, these Sixes don't feel confident in defending their own self-interests and survival.

These Sixes seek to escape anxiety by seeking the security of protection; therefore, they become dependent on others. They have a passion for compensating for the fear of separation, which manifests as warm and friendly temperament. Their driving need is therefore for something like (neurotic) friendship or warmth, which makes this subtype the warmest of these Sixes. They tend to be in a good mood and have a generally pleasant disposition. They look for a bond of intimacy and trust in their relationships, and they fear disappointing others, especially those who are closest to them. Being warm is their way of getting people to be friendly so they won't be attacked.

Self-Preservation Sixes fear anger, aggression, provocation, and confrontation. Being afraid of other people's aggression means they can't let their own aggression out. As Naranjo explains in describing this Six, making people like you means being good, and being good means not being angry. Naranjo asserts that "the taboo on aggression that results from the needs of dependency weakens this Six in the face of others' aggression and contributes to their insecurity and their need for external support."

There is a lot of hesitation, indecision, and uncertainty in the Self-Preservation Six personality. These Sixes ask many questions, but they don't answer any. They doubt themselves, and they doubt their doubt. Feeling uncertain and unable to find a satisfying sense of certainty, Self-Preservation Sixes have a difficult time making decisions. They see the world in terms of ambiguity-as "gray" rather than "black and white." People with this subtype can't dispel their sense of doubt and uncertainty. Because of their fundamental sense of insecurity and their habit of questions and doubting, they never feel ready or able. They also feel a lot of blame and guilt, even assuming or feeling the blame of others.

There are two realities for Self-Preservation Sixes: an external reality of warmth, tenderness, serenity, and peacefulness, and an inner reality of fear, guilt, anguish, and torment. Their head and heart are separated-they feel heart-centered on the outside, but are head-centered internally.

As the most phobic of the three Sixes, the avoidant Self-Preservation subtype equates love with protection, and in looking for love they search for a source of security to compensate for an inner sense of insecurity. This Six wants to find a strong person to lean on, and they many be excessively friendly and giving as a way of preventing an attack from outside. In order to feel the strength they are lacking, the Self-Preservation Six attracts the affections or protection of somebody strong-the more forceful presence of another helps them to feel safer.

Self-Preservation Sixes can thus look like Type Twos in that they are warm and friendly and put a lot of energy and attention into the development of relationships with others. Like Type Twos, these Sixes tend to lead with affection and accommodate others as a way of forging connections-but unlike Twos, their deepest motivation is to create safety, not to gain approval in support of pride."

"Sexual Sixes (according to Beatrice Chestnut)

The Sexual Six -"Strength/Beauty" (Countertype)

The countertype of the Type Six subtypes, the Sexual Six is the most counterphobic Six, the one who turns against the passion of fear by assuming a stance of strength and intimidation. Instead of actively feeling fearful, these Sixes have an inner belief that when you are afraid, the best defense is a good offense. As Naranjo explains, anxiety in this Six is allayed by skill and readiness in the face of a possible attack. They often appear bold and even fierce. They go against danger assertively, and even aggressively, as a way of denying and coping with their (often unconscious) fear.

Through denying their feelings of fear to one extent or another, Sexual Sixes go against danger from a position of strength; therefore, they have a passion for searching for or securing a position of strength. And it's not just a strong character they seek, but the kind of strength that makes somebody else afraid-they want to assume a powerful enough to hold the enemy at a distance. These Sixes display a forcefulness that comes from no wanting to be weak, and they don't allow for weakness in themselves.

Sexual Sixes' strength is often physical. They may develop this physical strength through sports or exercise that serve to build muscles and make them feel strong in their bodies. They tend to have marked control over their bodies as a way of cultivating a sense of inner strength to guard against feeling the chaotic emotions associated with the release of rage or other impulses.

Theses Sixes also seek to be strong in terms of endurance; they seek to feel tough in the face of fatigue, oppression, humiliation, and pain. (In this aspect, they may resemble the Self-Preservation Four.) For the Sexual Six, strength is often directly connected to an illusion of independence and a sense of being able to remain "unscathed" by trouble. They may also have a feeling of being somehow "bad" inside, and their strength protects them from their own inner attacks on themselves.

Sexual Sixes have a need not just for strength but for intimidation. As Naranjo suggests, this expression of intimidation is very much the essence of the character; if they appear strong, they won't be attacked. While Naranjo explains that Ichazo's title for this subtype, "Strength/Beauty," originally meant "strength" in men and "beauty" in women, it may also be true that being beautiful is a source of strength in both male and female Sexual Sixes.

These characters walk around with the idea that anyone can become dangerous, so they do everything they can to not feel cheated, manipulated, taken advantage of, or attacked. If you are someone who thinks and feels this way, you need to be prepared to be strong and mount a resistance. That's why Sexual Sixes not only develop strength but also intimidations-in the service of resistances, of being prepared to scare someone off, rebel, or be contrary.

Sexual Sixes give off the impression that they could get violent with anybody at any time, but that doesn’t mean that they have no fear. It is precisely out of a sense of fear that their anticipation of an attack comes-there is a somewhat paranoid imagining of danger, a belief that anyone can turn into a threat. However, these Sixes usually do not look afraid; their visible character could hardly be called "fearful" from the outside.

In contrast to the Self-Preservation Six, who backs away from threats, the couterphobic Sexual Six tends to move toward risky situations, feeling a sense of safety in actually confronting danger rather than hiding from it or avoiding it. They convince themselves (and others) that they are not victims of fear; they are convinced that fear is an emotion that should be eliminated systemically.

Despite being aggressive as part of their effort to intimidate through strength, Sexual Sixes tend not to acknowledge their aggressive side and may not be aware of it-or at least of the intensity of it. Their aggression is expressed mostly in the social arena and not as much in their private lives, as they will usually have needed to develop some level of trust with those they are close to. They also tend to separate their emotions: aggression is disconnected from fear, and sex is disconnected from feelings of love and intimacy.

The fact that these Sixes regularly move against danger (or perceived danger) can, at times, give them the appearance of a rebel, a daredevil, a risk taker, an adrenaline junkie, or a troublemaker. In some cases, Sexual Sixes may be prone to megalomania or having a "hero complex." In their own way, they seek to be "good guys" to avoid being punished. They may have the illusion that they are spontaneous, but they tend not to be.

Sexual Sixes tend to be very contrarian: they always have an argument at hand to refute and contradict an opinion. Instead of thinking in terms of "best-case" or "worst-case" scenarios, they think in terms of contrarian scenarios-if the trend is for others to focus on the worst, they will focus on the best; but if everyone is focusing on the best, they will assert the worst.

Although they may seem certain in their assertiveness, Sexual Sixes may hold doubt in their minds for along time-doubting which road to take and so getting caught between choices. They often believe that there is only one truth, and they prefer concrete and pragmatic ideologies because they feel safe and allow control of the world. They fear making an error, and the consequences of doing so.

The Sexual Six can look like a Type Eight because both types can appear intimidating, strong, and powerful. However, in contrast to the Eight, who tends to be fearless, the Sexual Six is motivated by an underlying fear, even when they don't consciously feel it of show it. Also, while Eights like to create order, Sexual Sixes often like to disrupt order by stirring up trouble. Sexual Sixes can also look like Threes in that they are action-oriented, fast-moving, assertive, and hardworking. They differ from Threes, however, in that they have more paranoid fantasies and their assertiveness has its basis in fear rather than in the need to achieve and accomplish goals in the service of looking good."

Editing post #7721 by fg

Replying to post #7721 by fg



2020/02/16 (Sun) 15:00:36


I see ESI > LSI.
It’s not only statistically coherent(ESI being common in 6w5 and 6w7, while LSI is rarely 6w7), but it also fits the description better.
The orientation of socio Fi to make close relationships, leading to a concern about psychological distances(and people in general) moreso aligns with the archetypical 6 rather than an ideology-oriented ruler who tries to correct incongruences in others(that’s more 1-ish).
Yes, LSI is common in 6s. But only 6w5.

Editing post #7719 by Thyssen

Replying to post #7719 by Thyssen

19/10/25 15:32LadyX ISTJ
19/06/20 15:33ally ISTJ
19/03/24 09:27fg ISTJ
20/02/18 15:28Tman ISTJ
19/01/27 21:27tch ISxJ
19/01/27 21:05Teru Mikami STJ
19/06/20 15:33ally ISTJ
19/05/08 07:26fg ISTJ
19/05/04 20:44tman ISTJ
19/01/27 22:07tch ISTJ
22/04/04 19:57Woll Smoth 6wb
19/10/25 15:32LadyX 6wb
19/05/04 20:46tman 6wb
19/12/28 10:52Thyssen so/sp
19/10/25 15:32LadyX so/sx
19/12/28 12:57Tman sp/so
20/03/05 22:39Tman 639
22/04/04 19:57Woll Smoth ESI
19/10/16 18:30Thyssen ESI
19/10/04 15:15Tman LSI
19/05/08 07:25fg LSI
19/10/23 23:12Tman LFEV