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id name affiliation category mbtienneagramsocioidr tot.
106271wbRegular Enneagram Philosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesISTJ1wb so/spLSIISTJ8
41542 ChainzRapperMusic and Performing ArtsISTP3w4 SLIISFP3
69072-3-4 "The Heart"Alternative TritypePhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesENFP2w3 sx/soEIEENFJ20
95612-3-4-5-6-7 “The Disembodied Head and Heart” Alternative SextypePhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesENFP4wb sx/soEIEENFP17
98192-3-5 "The Silver Tongued Skeemer"Alternative TritypePhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesENTJ3w2 so/spLIEINFJ14
98152-3-6 "The Yes Man"Alternative TritypePhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesESFJ6w7 sx/soESIESFJ16
96552-3-7 "The Cheerleading Captain"Alternative TritypePhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesESFJ2w3 so/spESEENFJ10
98362-3-8 "LOVE MEEEE!!!!!!!!!!"Alternative TritypePhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesESFJ2w3 sx/soSEEESFP7
97242-3-9 "The People Pleaser" Alternative TritypePhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesESFJ9w1 so/sxESEESFJ19
98162-4-5 "The Soliloquizer"Alternative TritypePhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesINFJ4wb sx/spEIEINFJ16
96522-4-6 "the crazy ex-girlfriend"Alternative TritypePhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesEFJ2w3 sx/spEIIINFJ10
93712-4-7: The EmotivistAlternative Enneagram(tritypes)Miscellaneous and GeneralENFP2w3 sx/soEIEENFP21
98182-4-8 "The Raging Inferno of Emotions"Alternative TritypePhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesESFP8w7 sx/soSEEESFP11
98222-4-9 "The Empathetic"Alternative TritypePhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesINFP9w1 sx/soSEIINFJ11
98232-5-6 "The Adorkable"Alternative TritypePhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesISTP6w5 sp/soLIIINTP15
96532-5-7 "The Trickster Mentor"Alternative TritypePhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesENFP7w6 sx/soILEENFP10
37742-5-8 "The Strategist"Tritype archetypesPhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesENTJ8w9 so/spSLEENTJ36
37732-5-9 "The Problem Solver"Tritype archetypesPhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesINFP9w1 sp/soEIIINFJ37
96542-6-7 "The Life Coach"Alternative TritypePhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesENFP6w7 sx/soESEENFJ16
37722-6-8 "The Rescuer"Tritype archetypesPhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesESFJ2w3 so/sxSEEESFJ41
37982-6-9 "The Good Samaritan"Tritype archetypesPhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesISFJ2w1 sp/soSEIISFJ35
37992-7-8 "The Free Spirit"Tritype archetypesPhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesESFP7w8 sx/soSEEESFP26
37962-7-9 "The Peacemaker"Tritype archetypesPhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesENFP7w6 so/sxESEENFP32
94742-8-9 "The Mama Bear"Alternative TritypePhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesESFJ8w9 sx/spESIESFP16
102822000sDecadesMiscellaneous Culture and SocietySFPcp6w7 sx/soIEEESFP15
51732001: A Space OdysseyFilmsFilm and TelevisionINTJ5w4 so/spILIINTJ20
51742010FilmsFilm and TelevisionINFJ9w1 so/spIEIINFJ6
102832010sDecadesMiscellaneous Culture and SocietyESFP6w7 sx/soSEEESFP17
158921 SavageRapperMusic and Performing ArtsISTP8w9 sp/sxSEIISTP4
6929269 ''the consolation prize'' alternative tritypeMost LikeliesISFJ9w1 sp/soSEIISFJ16
8642DThe GorillazMusic and Performing ArtsINFP9w1 sp/soIEIINFP13
70012w1Regular EnneagramMost LikeliesISFJ2w1 sp/soESIISFJ34
66772w1 "The Altruist"Alternative EnneagramPhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesISFJ2w1 so/sxESIISFJ23
70022w3Regular EnneagramMost LikeliesESFJ2w3 so/sxESEESFJ24
66782w3 "The Manipulator"Alternative EnneagramPhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesEFJ2w3 sx/soEIEENFJ26
64512w4 "The Feeler"Alternative EnneagramPhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesENFP2wb sx/soIEEENFP32
64562w5 "The Guide"Alternative EnneagramPhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesINFJ2w1 so/sxEIIINFJ24
65092w6 "The Loving Loyalist"Alternative EnneagramPhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesESFJ2w1 so/sxESIESFJ28
65212w7 "The Seductress"Alternative EnneagramPhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesESFP2w3 so/sxESEESFP34
65232w8 "The Melodramatic Volcano"Alternative EnneagramPhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesESFP2w3 sx/soSEEESFP33
64782w9 "The Lover"Alternative EnneagramPhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesISFJ2w1 sx/spSEIISFJ29
106282wbRegular Enneagram Philosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesESFJ2wb so/spESEESFJ9
91763-4-5: The Renaissance ManAlternative Enneagram(tritypes)Miscellaneous and GeneralINTJ4w3 sp/sxILEINTJ17
98253-4-6 "The Poser"Alternative TritypePhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesISFP4w3 so/spEIEINFJ11
98173-4-7 "The Actor"Alternative TritypePhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesENFP4w3 so/sxEIEESFP11
91863-4-8: The ThespianAlternative Enneagram(tritypes)Miscellaneous and GeneralENFJ3w4 sx/soEIEENFJ18
98243-4-9 "The Silent Stepford Depressed Alternative TritypePhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesINFP9w1 sp/soSEIINFJ10
96503-5-6 "The Tactician"Alternative TritypePhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesINTJ3w2 sx/spLIEINTJ10
37833-5-8 "The Solution Master"Tritype archetypesPhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesENTJ8w9 sp/soLIEINTJ41
37803-5-9 "The Thinker"Tritype archetypesPhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesINTP5w6 sp/soSLIINTP42
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