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id name affiliation category mbtienneagramsocioidr tot.
4906ring bearerMiscellaneous Culture and SocietyENFJ2w3 2
2859Anna von HausswolffMusic and Performing ArtsINTP4w5 so/sxIEI10
wedding role
Miscellaneous Culture and SocietyISFJ2w1 so/sxISFJ8
3372George ClooneyMiscellaneous Culture and SocietyENTJ3w2 sx/soSEEENTJ11
2605Hugh LaurieGeneral Artists INFP1
4909Saying as much as possible
6189Best Grades in SchoolSuperlativesISTJ3wb so/spLSEISTJ45
8752AnatomyScience, Technology, and EngineeringISTJ5w6 sp/sxISTJ11
11568Elisabeth Of AustriaGovernment, Politics, and LawINFP4w5 IEIINFP4
11569Guy FawkesGovernment, Politics, and Law 0
3378Confucius (孔子 / 孔夫子)
Kǒng Zǐ / Kǒng Fūzǐ / K'ung-fu-tzu
Miscellaneous Culture and SocietyISTJ1w9 so/spLSIISTJ39
3890David CronenbergGeneral ArtistsINTP5w4 ILIINTP9
8498Simon CowellTelevision, Film Industry, and Mass MediaENTJ3w4 sp/sxISTP6
10034Godzilla (ゴジラ)
Film and TelevisionISTJ8w9 sp/sx6
2611David FincherTelevision, Film Industry, and Mass Media ILIINTJ4
3379Christopher HitchensMiscellaneous Culture and SocietyENTJcp6w5 so/sxILEINTJ37
4403Bohdan ŁazukaGeneral ArtistsENTP3w4 so/sxILE5
3892Chuck NorrisMiscellaneous Culture and SocietyISTP6w7 SLIESTP8
6708Marcelo BielsaSports and Competitive PlayINTJ5w6 LIIINTJ9
6709Hannibal BarcaGovernment, Politics, and LawENTJ8w9 LSIENTJ9
2614Andy Warhol (Andrew Warhola)General ArtistsINFP3w4 so/spIEIINFP35
3382Mary (ܡܪܝܡ / مريم / Μαριάμ / Mαρία / Μαρίη / מרים)
Mariam / Mirjam / Mariám / Maryām / Maryam / María / Myrhiàm
Philanthropy and HumanismINFP2w1 INFP8
4918Shadow The Hedgehog
5942Chris MartinMusic and Performing ArtsENFP2w3 so/sxIEEENFP18
3895Charles BukowskiWriting and LiteratureISFP6w5 sx/soSLIISFP14
4920Michał KoterskiMiscellaneous Culture and SocietyENFP9w8 so/sxIEE5
3641John ColtraneMusic and Performing ArtsINFJ4w5 sp/sxIEIINFJ14
7481Jordyn Woods Television, Film Industry, and Mass MediaISF6w7 ISFP5
3642Charles MingusMusic and Performing ArtsENFP8w9 sx/soLIE6
5178DyslexiaPhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesENFP7w6 sx/spENTP11
5946Chris O'Neill (OneyNG)Cartoon and AnimationENFP7w6 2
8506Megan Thee Stallion ()Music and Performing ArtsESFP7w8 sx/soSEEESTP9
10554Tou Story 3Film and TelevisionISFJ6w7 sx/spSEIISFJ9
3643Tricky (Adrian Thaws)Music and Performing ArtsISFP9w8 sx/sp3
4155FutureMusic and Performing ArtsISF6w7 sp/sxESIISFP7
9275PragmatismPhilosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesENTJ3w2 sp/soLSEENTJ14
4156Young ThugMusic and Performing ArtsISFP4w5 so/spIEE5
9276Balance of power (international relations)Philosophy, Psychology, and Social SciencesESTJ6w5 sp/soLSEISTJ6
11836MastemaUsersINTJ5w6 sp/so4
6205Peter GabrielMusic and Performing ArtsINFJ4w5 so/spEII5
11837PythonScience, Technology, and EngineeringENTJ3w2 so/spLSEINTJ7
3646Nico (Christa Päffgen)General ArtistsINFJ4w3 sp/sxIEIINTJ8
6462Nastassja KinskiTelevision, Film Industry, and Mass MediaINFP9w1 sp/sxIEEINFP7
Sakinorva Databank
Users 0
11838C++Science, Technology, and EngineeringITJ5w6 sp/soLIIISTJ5
6463Yung LeanMusic and Performing ArtsISFP4w3 so/sxSEIISFP16
11839TensorFlowScience, Technology, and EngineeringNTP5w6 LIEENTJ5
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